Marathon Make-Up Snow Day

Sam Kehoe
The Weekly Hoot
Published in
1 min readMar 12, 2019

I know The Scallion is usually a place of witty wordery and imaginative imagery. But losing a would-be four day week and three day weekend to the misery of a make up snow day does not deserve the warmth of the written word. It deserves only the cold, numbing companionship of numbers; just like the Calc class I was forced to attend on the dreary Monday of March 11th, 2019: the make-up snow day. Let’s take a moment to examine the empirical horror experienced by all Owls this week:

The 33 seniors who regretted showing up for announcements. Coincidentally that’s exactly how many seniors showed up for announcements

The 7 blocks Veracross mandated I attend.

The 6.5 of blocks I actually attended (had to make up all the being late to first block I missed during the snow).

The 42 pages of reading that were assigned for today.

The 0 pages of reading I did for today.

The 15 minutes robbed from office hours by G Block’s 3 o’clock end time.

The 1 additional day of make-up madness that is yet to come.

Owls, the 7 block circus of academic catch up is only beginning.

