Avoid Remote Work Burnout 🧯, Special Books by Special Kids 🕮, Carl Sagan’s Pale Blue Dot 🌍

Emiliano Lowe
The Weekly Nudge
Published in
2 min readSep 30, 2021

And introducing a new format

I’m back ❤️

And it’s fitting that I’m sending out my first newsletter in many months because today is my birthday!

The new format đź“°

An email each week with 3 links and TLDRs (Too Long Didn’t Read) for Authentic Speeches, Interviews, and Stories from across the 🌍. Yes, another link roundup, but I genuinely hope to be different and deliver intriguing and meaningful content to nudge you, your mind, and your heart in a positive way.

Thank you for your support!

3 steps to avoid remote work burnout

Morra Aarons-Mele is a self-proclaimed anxious overachiever working to normalize anxiety. In this short 4 minute video from TED, she discusses the negative impact of how remote work has “blurred the boundaries” between work and home life.

Morra’s Recommendations:

  1. Pay Attention to Rituals and Routines
  2. Manage Pace, Place, and Space
  3. Favor Audio over Video Calls

What do you do to avoid burnout working from home?

What never giving up hope looks like…

Cannonballs for Kayne (Kayne Episode 1) is the first video in a series from Special Book by Special Kids about Kayne, who was diagnosed with DIPG brain tumor, for which the median survival rate is nine months.

Kayne decided to do these videos as a way to spread a positive message to never give up on hope. Despite his condition, he lived a full life and never stopped dreaming until the very end.

Carl Sagan’s famous Pale Blue Dot speech

The ultimate “I need perspective today” video.

The treasured Carl Sagan, who honestly needs no introduction at this point, in one of his most famous speeches demonstrates the “folly of human conceit” by presenting earth as a pixel in a photograph taken from a satellite from beyond the orbit of Neptune.

Feel free to watch the entire 1.5-hour video, but if you want to skip to the speech it’s about 10 minutes long and starts right after the 1-hour mark.

What are some ways that you gain perspective?

🤔 Question of the Week:

Why do people stop trying to change the world?

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The Weekly Nudge, and thank you for sharing TWN!



Emiliano Lowe
The Weekly Nudge

I develop digital solutions for human-centered problems. Besides that, I like to drink coffee, do things outdoors, and challenge myself frequently.