Facebook whistleblower 😲, What we should know about strangers 👤, People react to being called beautiful 💗

Emiliano Lowe
The Weekly Nudge
Published in
3 min readOct 7, 2021

Weekly Update: 10–7–21

Here are 4 key points from the Facebook whistleblower’s testimony on Capitol Hill (10m Read)

This week Facebook Whistleblower Frances Haugen gave her testimony to Congress.


Frances Haugen is an American data engineer and scientist, product manager, and whistleblower. Haugen worked multiple stints and Google, Yelp, and Pinterest before working at Facebook.

Why is it important?

Haugen provided countless internal research documents on how Facebook and Instagram lied about the negative effect of their products on young people around the world. Not only does she have proof but she’s also passionate about the issues she’s brought to light and the media is all over it.

What did the Zuck have to say?

“It’s disheartening to see that work taken out of context and used to construct a false narrative that we don’t care,” Zuckerberg wrote. Right. Well, it seems Democrats and Republics finally agree on something. Facebook does more harm than good and something needs to be done. That said, it seems to me that the core issue lies much deeper than what’s going on at Facebook.

What are your thoughts on the issue?

Malcolm Gladwell | Talking to Strangers — What we should know about the people we don’t know (21m video)


Malcolm Gladwell is the author of five NYT best sellers and co-founder of Pushkin Industries. In his podcasts Revisionist History, which reconsiders things both overlooked and misunderstood, and Broken Record, where he, Rick Rubin, and Bruce Headlam interview musicians across a wide range of genres. Pretty cool.

It’s a 21m video, why should I watch it?

Because he helps explain why we’re so susceptible to deception and how, when we are deceived that it’s not a sign of what we’re doing wrong, but a sign of what we’re doing right. As someone who’s fallen victim to deception and scams and felt like crap as a result, if I had known what I learned from this video it would have completely changed my mood in a positive way. I like this guy and want to check out some of his other content.

Also, check out more from The How to Academy.

People react to being called beautiful (5m video)

Why should I watch it?

Because it’s so damn heartwarming and authentic!

What happened?

So back in 2017, a few people took to the streets in the capital of Belgium to conduct a social experiment. It was simple, tell people that they’re beautiful and get their reaction on camera. And what happened was beautiful! Isn’t it funny how usually the most simple things typically produce the most powerful results?

You are beautiful ❤️

Question of the Week:

What’s stopping you from telling a family/friend that they’re beautiful?



The Weekly Nudge, sharing is caring!



Emiliano Lowe
The Weekly Nudge

I develop digital solutions for human-centered problems. Besides that, I like to drink coffee, do things outdoors, and challenge myself frequently.