Ismail Badjie, PharmD
The Weekly Prescription
9 min readNov 22, 2023

Originally published in The Point Newspaper, The Gambia. (2023, November 22nd ).

Introduction: The Symphony of Health

Our well-being isn’t just a random act of the universe; it’s a delicately balanced symphony of habits, practices, and choices. The five pillars of health form the cornerstone of this ensemble, each playing its unique role. Let’s embark on a journey to understand each pillar’s significance, with a special focus on the maestro of them all: sleep.

The 5 Pillars of Health: An In-depth Exploration

Sleep, diet, exercise, emotional wellness, and exogenous substances aren’t just terms thrown around in health magazines. They are the foundation upon which our life, vitality, and happiness are built.

Diet: More than just a tally of calories and culinary delights, our diet encapsulates the essence of nourishment. The sages of old hit the nail on the head proclaiming, “Let food be thy medicine.” Whether it’s the antioxidant-rich embrace of berries or the sturdy protein backbone of beans, each morsel we consume can either bolster our well-being or chip away at it. In Gambia, our bond with food transcends mere nutrition. It’s a cherished ritual, an anticipated gathering around a communal pot, a soulful offering that wraps us in a love far surpassing the satiation it brings.

Exercise: In a world enamored with desk jobs and binge-watching, the call to physical movement might feel a bit antiquated. But remember, the essence of exercise isn’t just limited to gym memberships or lifting weights. It’s about propelling our hearts into action, whether through a brisk walk or a spontaneous dance. Our bodies crave motion, and with good reason. Engaging those cardiovascular muscles does wonders for our health, and as the sands of time shift, strength training becomes an ally against the wear and tear of aging. Gambia, with its pristine coastline, beckons its residents to enjoy refreshing group walks along the beach. The rhythmic cadence of waves serves as a reminder of the collective heartbeats yearning for connection and community. Initiatives like the WALK FOR HEALTH and champions like Wally Fitness are not just promoting fitness; they’re sculpting a renewed, vibrant Gambia, one step at a time. Their work exemplifies how movement can be both a personal journey and a communal dance, revitalizing the soul of our nation.

Emotional Wellness: As our society hustles in the relentless race of productivity, the silent specter of emotional neglect often looms large. The gnawing void of loneliness, particularly among our elderly, casts a somber shadow, often unnoticed. Our deep-rooted traditions and cultural fabric, while rich and vibrant, have often skirted around the delicate dance of vulnerability. In a youthful society, where aspirations often clash with limited opportunities, this lack of emotional openness can be disastrous. The disenfranchised youth, grappling with these contrasts, sometimes spiral into the abyss of depression or seek refuge in the deceptive embrace of substances. Alarmingly, our local languages, steeped in history and heritage, sometimes lack the simple yet profound query: “How do you FEEL?”. It’s not just about weathering life’s storms but understanding and acknowledging the tempest within. Embracing practices like meditation, journaling, or even the age-old wisdom of deep breathing can offer solace and act as lighthouses in these turbulent emotional waters.

Exogenous Substances: This encompasses everything we introduce to our bodies, from vital prescription medications to those supplemental vitamins promising an extra health edge. Yet, discernment is key. That latest supplement trending on Instagram? It might not live up to its hyped benefits. Instead of spending unnecessarily, consider investing in a balanced diet. Let’s be real: if “Slim tea” and the “cucumber and ginger detox” truly worked wonders, everyone would be flaunting their magazine-cover physiques. As for the “cure-all” potions peddled at many local markets, caution is advised. Beyond potentially altering our bodily functions, they might pose risks due to being prepared in non-sterile environments, not to mention the strain they could place on our vital organs, like the liver and kidneys, responsible for processing these substances.

Now, let’s unravel the mysteries of the silent healer: sleep.

Sleep, that silent sentinel, underpins our very essence, yet it remains one of the most overlooked aspects of our health. It’s the cornerstone of our emotional balance, the engine behind our metabolism, and the regulator of our hormones. In our bustling lives, it’s all too easy to neglect, dismiss, or even sacrifice sleep, forgetting its foundational role. Recall the fog of a sleep-deprived morning — the lethargy, the mood swings, the scattered thoughts. Now, consider that amplified over extended periods! The importance of sleep reaches far deeper than merely erasing the evidence of a late night from our faces. It’s the very bedrock of our well-being.

Decoding Sleep: The 3–2–1 Rule and Its Resonance

Sleep isn’t just about shutting our eyes. It’s a meticulous process guided by the 3–2–1 rule:

Three hours before sleep: CEASE FOOD INTAKE. Allowing a window of time before sleep ensures that your digestive system can work efficiently and without disruption. In today’s fast-paced world, it seems that complaints about indigestion or “GASTRIC” issues are becoming increasingly common. These discomforts are often aggravated by late-night eating habits combined with the selection of oily or rich foods for dinner. By stopping food intake well before bedtime, you’re giving your body the best chance to process and metabolize, promoting a more restful sleep and overall gut health.

Two hours prior: STOP DRINKING. Limit liquids to ensure uninterrupted sleep. Your bladder isn’t an infinite reservoir. While hydration is essential, it’s most effective during the day. And on the topic of drinking, sugary beverages late at night are a bad idea. They provide glucose and extra calories that your body doesn’t need at that time. It’s always a good rule to EAT your calories, not DRINK them. I understand that no meal feels complete in many households without washing it down with a cold glass of coke, fanta, or baobab juice — the latter often containing enough sugar to fulfill one’s daily quota of added sugars. Plain room-temperature or warm water, consumed up to two hours before bedtime, can actually aid digestion.

1 hour before: STAY OFF YOUR PHONE. In an era where our phones practically double as appendages and social media addiction rivals our love for grandma’s apple pie, the pernicious blue light emitted by our dear screens is silently sabotaging our sacred sleep sanctuary. Yep, that innocent scroll through cat memes before bed? It’s like inviting a rave into your brain just when you’re about to snooze. And why is this nightly ‘blue party’ bad news? Blue light messes with our body’s circadian rhythm, essentially telling our brains, “Why dream of sheep when you can see another ‘like’ on your latest post?” But wait, there’s more! For those who pounce on their phones the instant their eyes flutter open — resist the siren call of notifications for just an hour. Allow your freshly awakened brain to bask in the natural morning light, not the glow of last night’s unwatched TikToks. Do something delightfully human first — like kissing your partner, hugging your kids, or heck, even stretching like the sophisticated primates we are. Let’s reclaim the start and end of our day from the clutches of dopamine-hungry apps and give our sleep — and sanity — the respect they deserve.

Though universally relevant, there’s room for flexibility. In places like Gambia, traditions like early prayers necessitate an adjusted sleep-wake cycle, proving the adaptability of sleep routines.

Challenges to Sleep: Elements that Erode Its Quality

The relentless heat wave in Gambia over the past months has been a formidable adversary to achieving quality sleep. For a vast majority of the population, who do not have the luxury of backup power supplies, uninterrupted sleep has become an elusive dream. Imagine being jolted awake, drenched in sweat, briefly wondering if you’ve had an unfortunate accident in bed. Such moments, albeit humorous, highlight the genuine discomfort many face.

Beyond the sweltering heat, there’s the widespread allure of evening rituals that can undermine sleep. The evening cup of coffee or the popular “Attaya” — a Chinese green tea frequently consumed in the Gambia — is not just a cultural staple. Laden with sugar and caffeine, this potent concoction can wreak havoc on one’s sleep cycle. While that evening brew might seem harmless, it’s essential to be mindful of its timing. It’s generally recommended to avoid caffeine at least 6 hours before bedtime to ensure it doesn’t interfere with your sleep.

Similarly, while many understand the sleep-disrupting properties of cigarettes, modern smoking alternatives like vapes and hookahs are often overlooked. Surprisingly, they can sometimes deliver even higher doses of nicotine than traditional cigarettes, exacerbating sleep disturbances.

Alcohol, too, is a double-edged sword. While it might seem like a sedative initially, leading you into a deep slumber, it indeed disrupts the more profound, restorative stages of sleep. This interruption can leave you feeling groggy and unrested come morning.

The Multi-dimensional Role of Sleep: A Vital Pillar of Overall Well-being

Sleep is not just about shutting our eyes and drifting into unconsciousness; it’s a complex, revitalizing process that impacts every facet of our existence.

Enhances Cognition: A good night’s sleep is like hitting the refresh button for the brain. It aids in consolidating memories, turning short-term recollections into long-term ones. Moreover, it creates an environment where creativity can thrive. Have you ever woken up with a sudden solution to a problem or a burst of inspiration? That’s sleep’s magic at work, fostering a brain environment conducive to innovative thinking.

Bolsters Physical Health: When we dive into the realm of sleep, our bodies get busy. This is the prime time for cellular repair, growth, and regeneration. Muscles torn from a day of strenuous activity begin to heal, and growth hormones are released, ensuring our bodies rebuild and grow stronger. It’s like a nightly maintenance routine that ensures we wake up renewed and re-energized.

Regulates Emotions: Emotionally, sleep acts as an equilibrium. It’s a stabilizer, ensuring our moods don’t swing too far in any direction. A well-rested person is better equipped to handle daily stresses and less likely to succumb to impulsive emotional reactions. Furthermore, during our REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, the brain processes emotional information, helping us navigate and understand complex feelings. This processing helps us wake up with a clearer emotional perspective, ready to face a new day with resilience and equanimity.

The Pharmacist’s Corner: Navigating the World of Sleep Aids

Central to our sleep-wake cycle is melatonin. As a supplement, it can assist those with disrupted rhythms. However, it’s crucial to use melatonin judiciously. Excessive or ill-timed intake can lead to further sleep disruptions.

While melatonin reigns as a popular sleep aid, many turn to over-the-counter (OTC) remedies in desperation. A common component in many OTC sleep aids is the antihistamine diphenhydramine. While it may induce drowsiness, its regular use isn’t advisable. Prolonged consumption can lead to tolerance, necessitating higher doses for the same sedative effect. Furthermore, self-medication can mask underlying sleep disorders. If sleeplessness persists, it’s imperative to consult a healthcare professional and avoid self-prescribing remedies.

Sleep Recommendations by Age

Newborns (0–3 months): 14–17 hours.

Infants (4–11 months): 12–15 hours.

Toddlers (1–2 years): 11–14 hours.

Preschoolers (3–5): 10–13 hours.

School-age children (6–13): 9–11 hours.

Teenagers (14–17): 8–10 hours.

Young adults (18–25): 7–9 hours.

Adults (26–64): 7–9 hours.

Older adults (65+): 7–8 hours.

Conclusion: Embracing the Healing Embrace of Sleep with a Touch of Humor

In the grand tapestry of life, sleep emerges as a golden thread, binding our physical, emotional, and cognitive realms. For many, particularly in the challenging terrains of Gambia, dreaming might be the only respite from a reality that sometimes feels too much like a nightmare. If your daily life in Gambia seems to be auditioning for a horror movie role, the least you could do is gift yourself a couple of Zzzzzzzzzzzzs!. After all, who doesn’t appreciate a nightly, dream-filled getaway? So, amid the bustles and hustles, remember the silent potency of sleep. It not only rejuvenates but occasionally offers a more delightful reality than, well, reality. Rest well, dream merrily, and rise with a grin!

In peace, love, and good health,

Dr. IDB.

For more information, follow the work of Dr. Badjie and his Innovarx WOW team on and on social media @innovarxglobal @drIsmailBadjie. Ismail is also the author of newly released book LIFE AS A HYPHENavailable on most book platforms.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for general understanding and does not constitute a diagnosis. For specific concerns or detailed health advice, always consult your designated healthcare professional.

