Rain, The Guardian Angel — A Metaphor

Micro Fiction

Anitha Sankaran
The Writer’s Paradise
1 min readAug 13, 2020


Image by ALBERTO FABREGAS from Pixabay

The Sun’s fire is burning your skin. The rain’s ice will appear to extinguish the last smoke glued in your body. Push yourself. Watch the clouds. Each time when he gets exhausted and feels life is not fair to him, Nelson’s grandpa says this to him. Nelson pondered over his Gramps piece of advice watching for the black clouds in the night sky.

When it rained, Nelson believed it is a good fortune. He had nightmares about the day when his parents died before his eyes in an accident. Whenever it happens, the rain eased him in his dreams. When he got bullied that he is a bad omen who took his parent’s life, the thoughts of rain calmed his nerves.

Sometimes metaphors can be real was his pop’s final words to Nelson when he left the world. Least he knew, what a metaphor is. Rain, the metaphor, turned to a guardian angel for him.

©Anitha Sankaran 2020



Anitha Sankaran
The Writer’s Paradise

Writer | Poet | Computer Engineer. Writing emotions beyond words.