Tiresome Tuesdays

How to Increase Productivity on Tricky Tuesdays

Anitha Sankaran
The Writer’s Paradise
4 min readJun 18, 2019


Photo by Alex Guillaume on Unsplash

Have you successfully beat the Monday Blues?

Before you pat on your back, a pathetic reminder for you. The real morning blues awaits to drown you in the name of Tuesday.

Monday is overstated to be the most difficult day to endure after a happy and happening weekend but the real culprit is the Tiresome Tuesday.

Motivation isn’t a low hanging fruit on Tuesday.

Photo by Jared Subia on Unsplash

Are you downright motivated and disagree with me ?

Alright, at any point haven’t you ever counted how many days are left to land into the weekend. If you have done it then it might have most probably been on a Tuesday. If not, you might have failed to realize that Tuesdays are the lengthy and boring day but unfortunately your brain might have surely felt the sluggishness.

Why Tuesdays are Tiresome?

We expect a ripened mango from the Tuesday but all it offers us is an unripened avocado. Motivation isn’t a low hanging fruit on Tuesday because our brain longs to get relaxation and calculates the distance between the days from Tuesday to the weekend in hours, minutes and seconds. Sometimes it even tries to calculate the nanoseconds and passes out without giving a slight hint to us.

Photo by David Di Veroli on Unsplash

How can we handle this tricky Tuesday which makes our brain weary?

First we must accept the fact that,

Weariness is a common activity of our super busy brain.

We choke our brain for five long days without giving food and water to it. Our brain craves for refreshment and motivation in a recurring pattern. The brain drains fast on Tuesday thinking it won’t get it’s carrot. It’s all in our hands to feed the carrot and make it work with a zest or watch it starve to death.

Simple Steps to Wake Your Brain on Tuesday

Tuesday is the stagnant day which affects our productivity. We all need some kind of push to keep ourselves lively and the same works for the brain as well to increase it’s productivity. Wake the brain with at least one of these simple tricks.

Photo by Genessa Panainte on Unsplash
  • Dust off the long desired passion or any activity which you had planned for but put on hold by saying some lame excuses to yourself. It’s always good to start a new activity on Tuesday because it makes your brain to break the routine and think creative in the middle of an ordinary tiresome day.
  • Make your brain happy by feeding your tummy the yummy yet healthy snack or food which delights your taste buds. A favorite good food for breakfast or lunch makes the brain to secrete good motivational vibes but take care of the portions. If you feed your stomach too much, your brain says goodnight and goes for a nap.
  • Plan for Tuesday night activity on Monday itself. Plan for an exciting movie, TV show, your favorite exercise/yoga, your favorite spot where you visit frequently or any activity which makes you feel happy and contended. Your brain dances out of excitement if it’s aware that it is going to have fun. It will cautiously stay awake and work extraordinarily while waiting for the upcoming plans.
  • Wear your favorite outfit on Tuesday. Looking good makes you feel good and the brain will consequently be delighted and gives itself a push.
  • Do anything which is out of your comfort zone. When you step out of your comfort zone your body secretes either the stress or the anxiety hormones which jolts your tiresome Tuesday brain. It’s like tweaking your lazy brain.

I have suggested a few ways to keep yourself refreshed on a long weary Tuesday. You can think and come up with your own innovative, exciting ideas and tricks as well to make a dull day happy.

© Anisesh 2019



Anitha Sankaran
The Writer’s Paradise

Writer | Poet | Computer Engineer. Writing emotions beyond words.