Submission Guidelines

Anitha Sankaran
The Writer’s Paradise
5 min readJun 1, 2019
Photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash

A person who plays with words is a wordsmith, so are you!

Writer’s Paradise is honored to welcome you to its community.

Are you ready to etch your words?

Please go ahead and read the guidelines but before that we would like to give a brief introduction about this community.

The Writer’s Paradise is created to widen the artistic and innovative thoughts of the writers through weekly prompts and quests.

Weekly prompts will commence once the minimum threshold of writers are reached in our publication. In the mean time quests will be active.

Our publication welcomes any creative poems or stories. You can send your work as a draft to or become a writer in our publication and add your work as draft in medium to feature your work in The Writer’s Paradise.

How Weekly Prompts works?

We will publish our new weekly prompt on every Sunday. The prompt will be related to a topic which may be creative words, objects, scenario or quotes and all you have to do is to come up with a short story, poem or prose related to the given topic and submit it to the publication.

Access pass to First Time Writers in WP

Are you a first time writer to Writer’s Paradise?

You need an access pass to become a writer in writer’s paradise.

How to get your access pass?

It is pretty simple, Email us to:

In subject line of the email mention as “New Writer Request”

In body of the email mention your medium id or the link to your medium page.

You will be added to the publication by our team within 24 -48 hours.


You can easily type, “I want to become a writer in the publication” in the comments.

New Medium Users

If you are new to medium, to know about the process to submit your story to a publication click How to add your story to publication support link created by medium.

Once you are added as writer, The Writer’s Paradise will appear on your list of publications in which you can add your stories for publication consideration. You will find this list by clicking on the three dots which will appear next to the “Ready to publish?” box in green and then you can click on “add to publication”. Please don’t forget that you should submit the story in the draft form.

We would communicate to you if there are any edits or suggestions about your stories through the private notes function, so please make sure if you have enabled this function in your settings menu.

Contributing Writers

The writers who are already contributing to our publication will remain in our list and you may submit maximum two stories per week for our weekly prompt and other challenges as well. Our team may select either one or both of your stories depending on how good it is.

How Quests work?

Quests may be posted once in a while and the guidelines for it will be posted along with the challenge itself.

Story evaluation process to be featured in the publication


  • Write a creative story, prose or poem for the prompt. The prompt must have importance in your story
  • Story, poem or prose can be in any genre. No min/max words but stories running within 5–6 minutes read are more effective and will get higher attention from the readers rather than much lengthy ones.
  • Stories published in the Writer’s Paradise should not be published anywhere. If you wish to remove your story from the publication please mail us the details to
  • Nominal grammatical errors are accepted and editing suggestions are given before the story is published.


  • Use of offensive or inappropriate language in your story will make the story disqualified for publishing because we as a community believing in spreading goodness and strongly believe in discipline and decorum.
  • Previously published works are not accepted. New stories must only be added as drafts to the publication. New writers: Please email to
  • Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. If someone claims that any content or image in your story is copyrighted then the story will be removed without any notice.
  • We do respect the quality time and energy spent in drafting a story but please keep in mind that poor grammar and language may lead to the disqualification of your story.

Deadline for weekly prompts : Stories must be submitted by Friday morning 10 A.M. (Central Time Zone — United States) since the editorial team need time for evaluation and the stories will be published in the Writer’s Paradise by Sunday afternoon.

Deadline and guidelines for surprise challenges will be mentioned in the challenge story itself.

General Rules

  • Title of the story must follow the capitalization rules mentioned in the below image.
  • Add images to the story either after the title or in the middle of the story but don’t forget to credit the source of the image and please avoid using copyrighted images which may lead to trouble in publishing.
  • You have five tags available to tag in your story. Use the tag Writers Paradise. Other four tags are of your choice.
  • You can use bylines if you like to use but it is not compulsory.

Grow by encouraging others is our motto. We will try our best to help in the growth of established writers and newbies as well by treating everyone with equal opportunity. To accomplish this, we have planned to choose best thirty stories per edition to publish in our Writer’s Paradise. Writers across the globe are welcome with a hearty wishes from our team.

Last but not least we are excited to see the response and support for the Writer’s Paradise on Medium. Thanks dear friends and readers for the support and encouragement. Best Wishes and Thanks to all wordsmiths for your participation and contributions to Writer’s Paradise.

P.S. Feel free to mail us to for any queries.

Best Regards,

Ani Sesh



Anitha Sankaran
The Writer’s Paradise

Writer | Poet | Computer Engineer. Writing emotions beyond words.