Welcome to the parallel universe where people seek peace, privacy, and prosperity

A peer-to-peer world where people create and share the wealth, lend a hand, but otherwise leave each other be.

Anthony Perkins
Cryptonite Weekly Rap
6 min readOct 21, 2021


Ever the optimist, I admit 2020 shook me up. I no longer felt I was standing on the edge of creation, looking out over the deep blue Pacific waters feeling like anything was possible. I was questioning the resilience of the U.S. for the first time in my life. Covid, the summer of riots, the hypocrisy, the mockery, the shrillness, and the deceit became too much. I fled my country last December in despair.

God sent me South to remind me that His people are simple and life itself is simple. Just stay humble and be as magnanimous as possible. I honestly didn’t see how deeply trapped inside a simulated reality we live, where the intelligent machines (a.k.a. the Power Elites) work overtime, distracting and dividing us and using our bodies, minds, and souls as their energy source. By stepping back, I could see that the machines’ ‘We know what’s better for you than you know for yourself`’ behavior — including highjacking our freedom to speak — is a sign of desperation and weakness rather than victory or control. It all became so clear — most of us are not like them, and their days in power are numbered.

The multi-trillion-dollar opportunity

If solving a pain point in a major market is the road to a billion-dollar enterprise, the state of the U.S. represents a multi-trillion-dollar entrepreneurial opportunity. U.S. citizens overwhelmingly mistrust all forms of centralized power save the military, small businesses, and the police. Imagine if you were running a company and your ‘customer trust rate’ was as low as public schools (28 percent), television news (11 percent), or Congress (7 percent) — Yikes! We are living in a world of unsatisfied customers and failed mega businesses.

The mistrust people have in institutions across government, legacy media, and big business represents a huge pain point that Web3 entrepreneurs have set out to relieve. This collective, global effort represents trillions of dollars in new entrepreneurial opportunities and billions in micro-payments for third-world citizens everywhere for authenticating transactions and blockchain dApp support.

As a Silicon Valley O.G., I especially feel ashamed that the trust in ‘Technology Companies’ plummeted to 26 percent as well. Inventing stuff that gives individuals more power is the industry we are in. From engraving a CPU on a chip to putting a computer on your desk, then in your backpack, connecting everyone and everything over the Internet, and then putting the Internet in your pocket — Power to the people is our legacy.

The totalitarian behavior of the few posers, which I would include Bezos, Bill Gates, the evil Google Twins, Zuck, and Dorsey as a start, has always been a great betrayal of the Valley’s manifest destiny. Rather than empowering and serving their customers, the Goliaths seek to monopolize, manipulate, and trade us dispassionately like commodities on the attention-span exchange. That kind of usurious behavior, folks, is NOT Silicon Valley. Big Tech’s trust numbers are beyond repair — and every one of these institutions is going to be eaten by the young.

Read Cryptonite Wizard George Gilder’s international best-selling visionary book Life After Google: The Fall of Big Data and the Rise of the Blockchain Economy.

‘Google’s algorithms assume the world’s future is nothing more than the next moment in a random process. George Gilder shows how deep this assumption goes, what motivates people to make it, and why it’s wrong: the future depends on human action.’ — Peter Thiel, founder of PayPal and Palantir Technologies

As nature would have it, thousands of clever entrepreneurs know that where agony exists, so does opportunity. Consumers eventually get what they want. And based upon the numbers above, my observation is that consumers, particularly the youth, are leaning heavily towards a more decentralized, peer-to-peer, no-go-betweens environment perfectly suited for the blockchain boom.

The New Zeitgeist—Human autonomy and dignity.

Wonderfully, this emerging consensus and the apps that will allow it to flourish have nothing to do with being a Democrat or Republican, conservative or liberal. These are the labels the other universe uses to define and divide us. The new peer-to-peer societal consciousness feels more aligned with the principle of subsidiarity articulated by German theologian Oswald von Nell-Breuning in the early 1900s. Under this organizing principle, the autonomy and human dignity of the individual are paramount. All social bodies exist for the sake of the individual, not for the benefit of the institutions or the people running them.

Square’s Cash App generated $5.9 billion in revenue in 2020, a 353 percent increase year-on-year, primarily from Bitcoin trading, which was responsible for Cash App’s 169 percent increase in net profit. It’s projected we will reach $1 trillion in mobile P2P app annual transactions by 2023, driven by Venmo, Zelle, and Cash App.

Ideally, each individual strives to take care of themselves, but if in need, first turn to the closest and most personal source of support, starting with family, friends, churches, and local charities. Government and large institutions only undertake initiatives that exceed the capacity of individuals or private independent groups. We can all agree that solving problems in the most locally administered and private way usually delivers the best solution and best results. Young peoples’ exclusive move to cash apps and the rise of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies dramatically express the new Zeitgeist, and COVID only accelerated the pace of its adoption. It’s simply impossible to turn back now.

Here come the dApp entrepreneurs

With the rise of awareness in the Bitcoin metaphor and the potential of non-centrally administered networks, 1,500 new blockchain applications are coming online every week, according to Amberdata.io. Thousands of unnamed entrepreneurs all over the planet are developing modern, largely single-purpose, decentralized applications (dApps) that offer ways to get almost anything we can imagine done in a more private, direct, efficient, and cheaper way. While often funded by the sale of cryptocurrencies, this third-wave opportunity has not blown past the VC herds. At the current rate, VC funding in blockchain startups will reach over $15 billion by year-end 2021 — shattering the previous record of $4.5 billion set in 2018.

This flurry of entrepreneurial greatness is the global Silicon Valley in its full glory — just like the old days — destroying the antiquated and creating the new for the betterment of all. Even the Bern Man realizes his Universal Basic Income dream in the new universe, as more kids earn scratch money for renting out the spare storage on their smartphones and mining cryptos and earning ‘gas money’ authenticating blockchain transactions on servers humming in their dorm room closets.

So the next time you are watching a talking head trusted by only 16 percent of his viewers interviewing an empty suit with a trust rating of 12 percent, do not despair. Their universe and what they jabber about make little sense and no longer really matter. That was my trip’s one great revelation. The light shall overcome the darkness. We should turn off the TV, roll up our sleeves, and join the Counter Revolution to take back the power. I am home now, rested, tanned, and ready. Let’s Fucking Go!



Anthony Perkins
Cryptonite Weekly Rap

Silicon Valley OG. Founder and Editor of Cryptonite. Previously Founder of Red Herring, AlwaysOn, Churchill Club, SVB Tech Group