Why I left Amazon… (PIP?)

Alexander Nguyen
Supportive Software Engineer
4 min readMay 15, 2022


Photo by Marques Thomas @querysprout.com on Unsplash

Amazon.com is well known to be an extremely valued company. Although, their engineering work culture doesn’t garnish the same respect. With worries of performance improvement plans (PIP) that translate to letting go of under performing employees, there’s a lot of concern about joining or staying at the company. I was Amazon for a year before I left, here’s what happened

My Quick Background

I’m a current software engineer at Microsoft who has previously worked at Amazon as a software engineer. Both my tenure’s at each company is approximately 1 year exactly. While I have a lot to say about the differences between the two companies, here’s the issues I had with Amazon specifically.

Why I left

I won’t keep you in suspense, I wasn’t pip’d but that doesn’t mean there’s a lot of other reasons I was considering other opportunities.


Nobody will outright admit to another employer that they are leaving simply because of compensation. It sounds outright greedy, but often times this tends to be one of the largest reasons for employees moving around.

My compensation at Amazon was $150,000 for a new graduate out of college. This is a huge compensation for anyone with 0 years of experience, I agree. But when Microsoft is…

