When in doubt have DALL-E make a terminator thumbnail.

The Weekly-Run 5/20–24

Ryan Williams Sr.
The Weekly Run Down


Welcome to this week’s edition of “The Weekly Run-Down” newsletter! Host, Ryan Williams Sr. and co-hosts, Shannon Tynes and Chris Abacon are thrilled to bring you a mix of the latest cybersecurity news, in-depth discussions, and personal reflections from our podcast episodes. This week, we dive into a range of topics, from major victories against cybercriminals and the rise of sophisticated social media scams to the dual nature of AI tools like ChatGPT. Whether you’re an aspiring professional or a seasoned expert, there’s something here for everyone. Let’s dive in and keep our digital lives secure together!

The Next Generation of Gaming

Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II being played on a 32:9 Super Ultra Wide monitor

The next generation of gaming has arrived. This week, Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II launched on both PC and Xbox Series consoles, available either à la carte or through Xbox GamePass. Fortunately, I found the time to play it on both my Xbox Series X with a big screen and my new super ultra-wide PC monitor, and it looks stunning on both!

Upfront, it’s worth noting that this is a very linear and short experience, with some players finishing it in as little as 5.5 hours. However, what the game lacks in length, it more than makes up for in graphical and audio quality. I’ve never seen facial animations and environments as detailed as these before. This is truly next-gen technology, thanks to the Unreal 5 engine.

To fully experience the game as the developers intended, make sure to use headphones. The immersive audio design is a critical part of the experience. Do yourself a favor and download and experience this game during your summer break.

Friday — The Weekly Run Down 5/24

In the latest episode of “The Weekly Run Down,” we explore a mix of cybersecurity news, pop culture, and personal reflections. Join us as we discuss the movie “American Fiction,” the legacies of now infamous public figures like Bill Cosby, and the unsettling realities of our food supply chain. We also share updates on College Football 25, Grand Theft Auto 6, and celebrate my daughter’s upcoming graduation. Tune in for an engaging and insightful conversation.

Throw Back Thursday — ChatGPT: Friend or Foe?

On this week’s “Throw Back Thursday” episode of “The Other Side of the Firewall,” we explore the dual nature of ChatGPT, OpenAI’s language model that has rapidly gained 100 million monthly users since its launch in November 2022. ChatGPT offers immense benefits in cybersecurity by acting as a powerful research assistant, helping professionals analyze data and identify security threats more efficiently.

However, it also poses significant risks, such as enabling the creation of sophisticated phishing texts that are difficult to detect. To mitigate these risks, robust AI governance, advanced detection systems, and continuous education for cybersecurity professionals are essential. By responsibly harnessing ChatGPT’s capabilities, we can enhance cybersecurity measures while addressing potential threats.

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Wednesday — What Are “Compassion-Oriented” Social Media Scams

On Wednesday’s episode of “The Other Side of the Firewall,” we explore a concerning trend in cybercrime: “Compassion-Oriented” social media scams. Cybercriminals exploit users’ compassion by posting fake stories about injured children, urging people to share these posts embedded with malicious links. Shannon highlighted an article from KCRG.com by Libby Randall, which detailed how these scams lead to data theft and subsequent fraudulent activities. The sophistication of these scams has increased, making them difficult to detect, even for seasoned professionals.

Chris emphasized the importance of keeping social media accounts private and being cautious with unsolicited messages and links. The discussion also underscored the vulnerability of elderly individuals, who are less likely to be aware of these threats, and the need for cybersecurity education in schools. The hosts concluded by urging listeners to remain vigilant, verify the legitimacy of online content, and share this information to protect others from falling victim to these scams.

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Tuesday — FBI Takes Down BreachForums

On Tuesday’s episode of “The Other Side of the Firewall,” we discuss the FBI’s successful takedown of BreachForums, a notorious hacking forum that leaked stolen data from high-profile organizations like Europol, AT&T, and 23andMe. This forum, known for facilitating cybercriminals, was dismantled with the help of international partners, marking a significant win in the fight to secure cyberspace. The FBI’s swift action followed a breach involving Europol’s law enforcement portal, prompting them to seize control of the forum and issue warnings to its users.

Shannon emphasized the crucial role of international cooperation in combating cybercrime, while Chris highlighted the need for robust cybersecurity measures and better asset management to prevent such breaches. The episode also touched on preventive measures and the potential for similar forums to reemerge, stressing the importance of vigilance and proactive efforts in cybersecurity. The discussion concluded with a reminder to stay safe online, avoid illegal activities, and support cybersecurity initiatives by collaborating with law enforcement agencies.

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Monday — North Korea Taking U.S. Jobs

On Monday’s episode of “The Other Side of the Firewall,” we discuss the boldness and ingenuity of cybercriminals who are exploiting remote work to create insider threats. Shannon highlighted how the prevalence of remote work since the COVID-19 pandemic has provided new opportunities for cybercriminals. Chris emphasized the need for better asset management and secure connections, pointing out that inadequate background checks can lead to unauthorized access.

Ryan noted that similar tactics could be used within the U.S., raising concerns about over-employment and multitasking leading to potential security breaches. The case of North Korea exploiting remote IT jobs to fund its weapons program underscores the evolving nature of cyber threats and the necessity for robust cybersecurity measures, including enhanced background checks, improved asset management, and secure connections.

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Our Next Guest on Ask A CISSP — Delisha Hodo

Delisha Hodo — SANS Technology Institute’s, Assistant Director & Cybersecurity Advocate

Excited for the next edition of Ask A CISSP with Delisha Hodo, SANS Technology Institute’s Assistant Director of Advising. During our first interview we explored Delisha’s extraordinary cybersecurity “origin story” and discussed the pathways her and SANS have developed to bring more people of color, woman, veterans, young adults, and HBCU students and alumni into the field of cybersecurity. During this session I hope to dive even deeper into Delisha’s ongoing initiatives and all things SANS.

Delisha’s Previous Episode


As we wrap up this week’s newsletter, we hope our discussions have provided you with valuable insights and actionable strategies to enhance your cybersecurity posture. From the FBI’s takedown of BreachForums and the exploration of compassion-oriented social media scams to the promise and peril of AI tools like ChatGPT, we’ve covered crucial topics that underscore the importance of staying vigilant in the digital age. We also brought you a blend of cybersecurity news, pop culture, and personal milestones, reminding us of the diverse aspects of our lives that technology touches.

Thank you for reading and stay tuned for more episodes of The Other Side of the Firewall podcast on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Fridays, as well as, the Ask A CISSP podcast every Thursday.

Stay safe, stay secure!



Ryan Williams Sr.
The Weekly Run Down

Cybersecurity Professional | CISSP | PMP® | Founder & Host of The Other Side of the Firewall & Ask A CISSP Podcasts | Retired U.S Air Force Vet | DE&I Advocate