TWS10: Heart — Barracuda

Yordi Verkroost
The Weekly Song 2018
2 min readMar 18, 2018

One song for every week of the year, without any rules. One song that determined the week. It can be a new song, but it can also be some rediscovered “golden oldie”. Whatever the week brought. That’s The Weekly Song.
Follow my journey in
The Weekly Song 2018 playlist on Spotify.

Heart — Barracuda

Movie soundtracks come in two forms. The first is the soundtrack that is composed especially for the movie, like original soundtracks for The Lord of the Rings or Pirates of the Caribbean. The second is the soundtrack that is composed of already existing songs that have been used in the movie. The soundtrack of the movie I, Tonya falls into the second category.

The movie features Tonya Harding, the first American woman in history that completes a triple axel in figure skating during a competition. The movie is situated into the 80s and 90s and features music from decades. A good decade for music, if you ask me. One of the pieces that I liked the most is Barracuda, as performed by Heart. A classic with a very catchy melody that still stands its ground today. No discussion, this is the song of this week!

If the real thing don’t do the trick
You better make up something quick
You gonna burn it out to the wick
Aren’t you, Barracuda?

