TWS11: Snow Patrol — Don't Give In

Yordi Verkroost
The Weekly Song 2018
2 min readMar 28, 2018

One song for every week of the year, without any rules. One song that determined the week. It can be a new song, but it can also be some rediscovered “golden oldie”. Whatever the week brought. That’s The Weekly Song.
Follow my journey in
The Weekly Song 2018 playlist on Spotify.

Snow Patrol — Don't Give In

It has been seven years. Seven long years, now I think of it. The last album Snow Patrol made (Fallen Empires) released back in 2011. To give an impression of how long ago that is: I just started attending university then, having finished high school a year earlier. It was also around that time that I saw Snow Patrol live for the last time. But hey, no sweat, because the band just released a new piece of music. No way that won't be the song of the week.

The song is about not giving up, not quitting, which you probably already got from its title. That may sound cheesy (and maybe it is), but hey, it's Snow Patrol! The sound of the song is quite different from what they've done before, but on the other hand it's still really Snow Patrol. Anyway, enough said. Just listen to Don't Give In yourself and form your own opinion.

Don’t fall in love with the,
with the way things were
It’ll fuck up your mind,
it’ll fuck up your mind

