TWS15: Xavier Rudd — Spirit Bird

Yordi Verkroost
The Weekly Song 2018
2 min readMay 5, 2018

One song for every week of the year, without any rules. One song that determined the week. It can be a new song, but it can also be some rediscovered “golden oldie”. Whatever the week brought. That’s The Weekly Song.
Follow my journey in
The Weekly Song 2018 playlist on Spotify.

Xavier Rudd — Spirit Bird

It's official: the summer of 2018 is coming! And when the temperature rises, people are in need of music that accompanies them while taking nice and peaceful walks in the sunshine. I know I do. I'm talking about quiet, easy-going music this time, not the average, one of a dozen pumping summer hits you hear every year. And that brings me to the song of this week: Spirit Bird by Xavier Rudd.

The song starts out very softly and slowly, later evolving in what could be described as a mantra. That's at least what I think of when hearing the chorus of this song. Or is it not the chorus? Then what is it? If anything, it's good, comforting and relaxing. Exactly what a summer song should be.

Give it time and we wonder why
Do what we can laugh and we cry and we sleep in your dust because we’ve seen it all before

