Gut Feelings

you’re in doubt, you’re right, trust your instincts

The Weight of Desire
4 min readFeb 11, 2024


Photo by Nicholas Ng on Unsplash

I am feeling something unusual about him, he is okay if I don’t talk, it’s fine if we don’t meet for months.

I never thought he might like other girl’s, it could be possible to seek attention from other females. But I told myself, “don’t overthink. He is still caring, lovable, and supportive.”

I told him for fun, “if you fell in love, I can walk out of your life. At the end of the day, your happiness is more important.”

Deep down, I knew it’s not possible, but now I’m not ready to let him go. I never considered what would happen to me? Am I going to overcome my feelings? Is it possible for me to love?

He said, “ we can remain friends.”

I laughed on my life for throwing me in such a nonsense situation.

I replied, "Are you trying to friend-zone me? I got plenty of friends, if you want we can be enemies.”


We didn’t speak for months, and I got to know “He is in love.”

It’s not bad to love but it’s definitely bad to do it for entertainment, emotional needs, future insecurities.

The truth was unbearable for me. I didn’t know how to react. I knew it! I guessed it! I had gut feelings about him cheating on me. But I didn’t want to accept the reality.

It's not matter of just one woman but as far as I know there are two, I was pissed off and said, “I’m going to hit him, there is no place for liar’s in my life.”

But at night I’m back to square one. I have the same old feelings for him. Maybe it’s stronger than before.

Everybody confronted me, saying, “he’s not good for you. It’s better for you to remove him out of your life.”

I wanted to see his face. I said, “I am going to meet him. To what extent can he lie? How much can he pretend?”

He said, “We don’t need to behave like enemies on the battleground, instead separate with good feelings.”

I replied, “Let me end with this statement, I love and hate extremely. There are either my friends or enemies. There are things that are either black or white and nothing in between.”

My efforts were in vain he had no guilt on his face. Instead, he tried to blame me and made me responsible for this present situation I’m going through.

As usual, he cared for me. How I can doubt him? But I know the truth.

Photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash

He always said, “I’m not suitable for you, I’m bad.”

I replied, “You’re bad for others but good for me.”

Now I can definitely say it was a true statement that came out of his mouth.

I tried my best, but he didn’t utter a true word, so one day, I decided to leave him forever and focus on self-love, my life goals, family, and friends.

I was heartless and denied everything when he tried to explain himself. It’s not like I didn’t give him a chance to speak. It was him who was not ready to let go of his ego.


He asked me, “Did you really forget about our bond? Can’t you feel anything about the time we spent together?”

I saw his tears, and I felt his pain. My anger was washed away with my own tears. I gave him a chance. I don’t know if I’m wrong or right. But now I know it’s hard for me to continue without him. Maybe he knows that, too.

Right now, it’s very hard for me to trust him. I declared, “ Whenever I call, you shouldn’t be busy. Otherwise, it’s going to end very badly.”

He promised me many things, but I don’t care anymore about his lies. I believe people are going to suffer for their mistakes. I definitely believe in Karma.

Photo by Caroline Hernandez on Unsplash



The Weight of Desire

Dreamy Drama 💟 wild women 🤷‍♀️ Fantasy Fondness 😶‍🌫️ Seren Spirit 🪷