A Man From Venus Visited the Pentagon?

Alexandria Ducksworth
The Weird Closet
Published in
3 min readDec 18, 2019


Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

You may have clicked on this article, wondering what heck this is.

Believe me, I had the same curious response when I discovered the weird tale of Valiant Thor on the internet.

Thor is an alien from Venus. Yep, the methane planet.

It’s not the best place if you’re looking into extraterrestrial realty (best to stick with Mars).

Where did the Valiant Thor Story Come From?

Writer and Christian evangelist Frank Stranges published Stranger at the Pentagon in 1967. Here, he described Thor’s arrival and interactions with the US government during the late 1950s.

Thor came along with three companions: Donn, Jill, and Taniya.

Valiant Thor on the far right (via Para.Wiki)

Their purpose: share their advanced technology and warn humanity about using nuclear weapons. They’ve been keeping a close eye on us since we used them during World War II.

You might expect Val to look like your typical little green man. To Stranges, he’s quite the opposite:

“I was on my guard for fakes and frauds. In walked a man about six feet tall, perhaps 185…

