Did Santa Have a Demon BFF?

Alexandria Ducksworth
The Weird Closet
Published in
3 min readDec 3, 2019


“Nikolaus Krampus” (via Wikimedia)

The holidays are coming!

Set up the decorations, place that Elf on the shelf, and get your shopping done (before it’s too late).

This is also the time people gather around to share their Christmas stories and other holiday family traditions. However, there’s one story you don’t hear often in America.

Allover Central Europe in early December, excited folks gather around to watch goat-like demons parade the streets. These costumed monsters would frighten, chase, and whip people with sticks.

Who are these guys and what do they have to do with Christmas? Did Santa have a demon BFF?

May I present to you the Krampus.

“Christmas Hello GIF” (via GIPHY)

The Krampus

The demon parade mentioned earlier is called a “Krampuslauf” (Krampus run), welcoming the beginning of winter.

The Krampus visited homes with St. Nicholas. While St. Nick gave goodies to the kids, the Krampus punished the bad. Sometimes, the Krampus would stuff rotten children into his sack and take them away to be eaten.

Parents would hang a bundle of birch sticks to remind kids what would happen if…

