Why Profit-Sharing Should Be Legally Mandated: Imaginative Proposals, Part Two

A Major Misalignment of Incentives at the Heart of Modern Business

Black Cat
The Weird Politics Review


This is part of a series, but it isn’t necessary that you read Part Zero or Part One to understand this part. The series is thematically linked, not sequentially linked.

As I explained in Part Zero, this is not something that I am going to feel tied to. It isn’t what I believe is the one solution to humanity’s ills. I’m not describing this to convince you of anything, let alone out of the hope that we will all go somewhere and enact it on the world. I’m explaining it to stimulate your imagination, to expand your mind about what is possible and desirable within the realms of politics and economic institutions.



Black Cat
The Weird Politics Review

I write about neurodivergence, anarchism, market socialism, economics, accelerationism, and science fiction.