A New Way to Wellness

Thomas Shuck
The Well Magazine
Published in
2 min readJun 28, 2022

Hello & Welcome to The Well!

Throughout history, humanity has amassed an enormous understanding of our world. From harnessing fire to the invention of the wheel, and even the birth of the internet, we have advanced to become the dominant life form on our planet. With each innovation arises an opportunity to enrich the lives of not just ourselves but those around us. A society based on the free exchange of ideas and knowledge has proven to be one of the most bountiful for its members. Ideas and experiences have been passed down from tribes to communities, from kitchen tables to board rooms.

One of the recent advancements (and truly wondrous opportunity for communication) has been the arrival of social media. As one’s truth or life experience was previously limited to periodic social interactions, now entire online communities could share wisdom and knowledge rife with acceptance and understanding… or so we believed.

Over the past few years, what constitutes popular culture has been funneled into a socially acceptable, politically correct, cookie-cutter mainstream narrative. Social media algorithms became chief architects, puppet masters, and enforcers behind not only shifting the discourse but also controlling the type of information we share. “Misinformation” has transformed from 2+2=5 into whatever the powers that be decide isn’t within alignment with their goals. What is the point of writing an article on the benefits of biohacking a better restful slumber when the social media platform suppresses my content because big pharmaceutical companies would rather advertise sleep aides to the countless consumers on their platforms?

The Well will serve as a daily refocus toward a collection of life experiences and knowledge in hopes of passing that wealth of information onward to our readers. I, along with fellow contributors, will examine topics like astrology, biohacking, emotional/psychological wellness, energy, herbalism & plant medicine, mindfulness & meditation, nutrition, physical wellness, spirituality & religion, and subconsciousness/dream state to name a few. We will explore them here, focusing on our ever-growing understanding of the universe around us.

I look forward to seeing what facets of our reality this publication explores and what knowledge might be shared. Let’s go!



Thomas Shuck
The Well Magazine

Editor in Chief of The Well Magazine. Advocate for uplifting humanity’s wellness. Interests include environmental science, beekeeping, and cooking.