Published in
3 min readJan 24, 2021

We all have come across people who are fluent in English speaking and words come out of their mouth like air. Hearing them speak using a rare vocabulary is a different experience altogether. For Eg: When someone is listening to Sashi Tharoor(Current Member of Parliament, Writer & Former Diplomat from India) one is forced to think about How he manages to have such a wide vocabulary and vast knowledge of difficult-to-pronounce words.

Well, he is kind enough to share his secret of English Proficiency and he gives the credit to nothing but READING, READING & READING.

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Some of the known benefits of reading can help us change our ordinary lives to something extraordinary. Yes, reading has the power to change the way we Think, See and Comprehend things around us. Reading can make you think in the ways you have never thought before.

But this is possible only if you read the right kind of books that will teach you something different that you have never known before in your life. That something will help you come out of your comfort zone and change your lifestyle and you will be a better person than you were yesterday.

How can you read the right kind of books? Yes, that’s the toughest question that one encounters when they have decided to start reading as a habit. But what should they start with? If you’re an amateur and does not know what to read then not to worry because there are a lot of Bookish Instagram accounts that recommend books from almost all genre that you want to read. There are even some of the accounts that are specifically recommending Non-Fiction or personal growth books now and then. (If you want me to do a post suggesting some of the Best Instagram Book Accounts, then comment down the same below)

Even after you’ve decided your first book, what’s the guarantee that you will grasp the knowledge? Sometimes things bounce over your head completely let alone retaining them for future purpose.

Photo by Marc Schaefer on Unsplash

The best way to retain the knowledge you gain from the books is by maintaining a Journal/Diary wherein you can jot down the main points or the lines that catch your attention.

Doing this will not only keep the memory of reading that book alive forever but you can anytime browse back into the Diary when you’re feeling low and require some information capsule.

“You will build memories on Paper”

Once you start doing this for every month, you can imagine the amount of knowledge you can gain through those 12 books you have managed to read in a year.

Now, imagine your knowledge without those 12 books. Yes, you could have simply wasted those 12 months without retaining or learning anything new from the people who have left their wisdom in the books.

It’s always better to have something in hand than nothing at all. If given an option I would choose a life where I can read and acquire knowledge rather than not read and stay ignorant.

This post was just a small attempt I wanted to make in order to convince you to start considering reading as something which is necessary for every individual in order to become a wise human being.

I would like to motivate you further by telling that,

“I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a book”

and that magic is nothing but the change you will see in your personality and thought process. So, let the magic begin.

If you like the post, do share your thoughts so that I can write similar posts to help you choose your next book!




📍Book Blogger | 👉I help humans become avid readers |📚 Usually found amongst books📚