How do you nourish your body?

Liz Marie
The Well Well
Published in
6 min readJun 17, 2016


Redefining your relationship with food, fitness, your body and mind

Biology tells us that food is a pure fuel source, designed to deliver energy efficiently to our vital systems. And for someone seeking a healthier relationship with food, that may seem like a great view to take. It is empirical and impersonal… and utterly robotic. We are spirited, living, breathing, emotional beings and we deserve more than to spend our lives with such a mundane perspective on one of our most essential and most frequent activities.

So what, then?

Well, there is a vast middle ground between becoming a human machine and a careless consumer or even an emotional eater. Instead, we can each strive to become a careful consumer — or better yet, a caring consumer.

Growing up, my family would pray before each meal and ask the Lord to bless our food to “nourish and strengthen our bodies”. For 27 years, I never thought twice about that phrase, but for some reason, it recently struck me. Not only does invoking a blessing upon the food make the act of eating inherently spiritual (typically seen as the exact antithesis of science and empiricism), but the words themselves ooze tenderness.

And that makes sense, because according to Google (and who questions Google, right?), the word nourish is derived from Latin nutrire meaning ‘feed, cherish.’


To nourish your body doesn’t just mean to feed it — to fuel it in a mechanical, systematic sense. It means to cherish it. To actively show love and care for yourself. What a rich and profound expression.

What things in life are commonly “cherished”? Usually, that word is reserved for loved ones, memories and keepsakes… Which begs the question, shouldn’t we love our own selves, our own bodies, as much or more? Why don’t we treasure and protect our future moments even more than our past? Aren’t our most valuable keepsakes housed in our own personal temples — the bodies that have carried us through every passing experience?

So how do you nourish your body? How do you nourish your mind? Your soul?

Ask yourself

What do you consume to fuel your growth? How do you foster your own health and prosperity on a daily basis?

Do you propel each cell in your system with an abundance of clean water and vital nutrients?

Do you honor your able legs by running or squatting or kicking or jumping?

Do you care for your own body like you care for your true love or your best friend or your child?

Do you offer gratitude and glory to God for the time you have been given by striving to ensure your future health and longevity?

Love yourself

We often think that romantic love is hard. But showing love to ourselves can be the most difficult. Valuing ourselves enough to take the extra time and make the extra effort and treat our bodies and minds right — that is a true challenge, but one for which we reap endless rewards.

Making this paradigm shift isn’t easy, especially in the course of our chaotic daily lives. So here are some actions you can implement today, to begin to honor your body and mind and provide nourishment for your future.

Eat well

Your body needs macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats), vitamins, minerals and lots of water to perform its vital functions and keep you moving. Strive to eat a diverse array of fresh, unprocessed foods (eat the rainbow!) and limit your intake of refined sugars and grains, oil, soft drinks and alcohol. Remember, everything in moderation, but if it makes you feel physically ill, it is not nourishing your body (I’m talking to you fast food).

Move your body

Whether you’re an elite athlete or a self-proclaimed couch potato, you were given a body that was designed to move. You don’t have to do it well. You don’t have to look good doing it. But you must move. And you must strive to find a form a movement that you actually enjoy. You can throw or shoot a ball, swing a racket, kick a bag, throw a punch, lift weights, run, walk, skip, dance or even flail if you really want to. But you must use your muscles and joints for their beautiful intended purposes and let your heart and your lungs show you what they can do and honor your body by letting it loose.

Let yourself rest

Proper rest is just as essential to your health as physical activity. The benefits of sufficient, restful sleep include enhanced memory and mental capacity, decreased internal inflammation, improved personal relationships, lower blood pressure, increased stamina and athletic performance, improved ability to focus, weight loss, reduced stress and even longer life. Basically every single aspect of your life can be enhanced by sleep — an activity which most of us absolutely love, yet never seem to prioritize! Setting boundaries or even bed times is not only an act of love and care for yourself but it can have a tremendous impact on your daily life and those around you. Rest up!

Really recover

If you’re nursing injuries or just rebounding from your normal physical activities, you can show love and care for yourself by engaging in active recovery. Ice your joints, massage or foam roll sore muscles, and stretch, stretch, stretch!

Challenge your mind

An idle mind is an indication of unfulfilled potential. You have the capacity to learn so much more and think so much deeper than you have ever realized. The journey has just begun! Read more books, listen to podcasts or TEDTalks, engage in debates or meaningful discussions and strive to learn something new every single day. Take advantage of the powerful mind you have been given and nurture it!

Treat yourself

You know those sweet, thoughtful gestures you lovingly offer to your significant other? Well, do that for your own damn self sometimes! Make yourself a nice cup of tea, tuck yourself in for your favorite show and rub your own feet! There are countless ways to show we value ourselves, including taking personal time to be alone, drawing a bath, filling a room with scents that feel inviting, taking the time to prepare a nice meal or prioritizing personal grooming (a fresh haircut, shave, manicure or pedicure are not superficial gestures but reflections of our own self-care). A little indulgence goes a long way.

Honor your strengths

For some, self-esteem comes naturally, but others struggle to see their own beauty and their own value. Start with one strength each day and take a moment to acknowledge and honor it. By beginning the day on a positive note, you will be better equipped to handle the challenges that you may endure and treat yourself with kindness and compassion.

Keep it in check

No one hates the doctor’s office more than me, but periodic exams are critical in getting an accurate picture of your overall health. Keep an eye on dramatic changes in how your body looks or feels, discuss health issues openly with your doctor and get regular updates on key risk factors such as cholesterol levels and blood pressure. To work towards a long life, you must know where you stand today.

Take the long view

We all want to look and feel great today. And that is important, too. But what are you doing today to ensure your health for the next 20, 40 or even 60 years? How can you nourish a sustainable system that endures decades and resists disease? Maybe a doughnut today won’t affect your future chances of getting on the floor and playing with your grandchildren, but consistent carelessness with your health will.

Living well isn’t about a restricted diet or an hour of cardio. It goes far beyond food and exercise to encompass your entire attitude towards yourself and your philosophy on life. By approaching your day with the goal to cherish and nourish your body and mind, and treat yourself with the loving care you would show others in an instant, you can go a long way towards protecting your well-being for years to come.



Liz Marie
The Well Well

Brand Strategist, Designer, Health/Fitness Enthusiast & Positive Thinker