Rebelling From Tradition With A Taste Between Her Thighs

Jasleen, desperate to rebel against her father’s strict, traditional rules, seeks solace within the arms (and the thighs) of her best friend, Elena…

Eefje Valerie
Published in
12 min readApr 16, 2024


“Your mother and I are going to stay in the city tonight,” Jasleen’s father, Ranveer, said, as he pushed open the door to her bedroom. “The show has a late run time and I don’t want to drive all the way back in the dark.”

Jasleen was lying on her bed, across-ways, fully enraptured by her cellphone.

“Ugh,” Jasleen said, turning to face her father, “does this mean I’m going to be babysitting Adjeet?”

“Luckily for you,” he said, “no, it doesn’t. He’s staying with the Johnsons in 134, I imagine playing video games all night with Robbie… so you’ll be home alone.”

“Great, I’m going to have a house party,” Jasleen joked, despite knowing her father wouldn’t approve of her humour. His face looked as though carved from stone, his gaze burned into her.

“You’re eighteen years old now, Jasleen,” he said sternly, “I expect you to be a little more mature. Think of this evening like a test.”

“What do you mean, a test?”



Eefje Valerie
The Wellspring

My name is Eefje Valerie, and I bring to life my own wildest fantasies in written form, focusing on passion, love and sex.