What’s A Friendly Sexual Wager Between Twins?

When twins Finn & Callie Murphy learn that the new boy opposite, Marquise, might be bisexual, they make a wager to compete against each other for a taste of his big black cock.

Eefje Valerie
Published in
15 min readMay 12, 2024


Callie was coming down from a heavy night of substances. She lay back on the garden sun lounger, in just her bikini, with a baseball cap pulled down over her eyes, protecting her sensitive eyes from the blazing morning sun.

The night before was a blur.

She and Finn had taken an Uber to their older brother Jack’s bar in town, a dark, seedy place named after their family, Murphy’s. He let them sit in a booth at the back to have a few drinks, despite only being eighteen, and generally did what he needed to to keep attention off them. However, from 9pm onward, the bar got that much busier, and Jack’s oversight lessened. Unscrupulous characters from the self-described dive bar, found themselves wandering over, attempting to schmooze Callie and Finn to get into Jack’s good graces. More than one had offered substances, to which they both partook.

The hangover was hell.

Callie let her mind drift as she tried to keep herself awake. In her drifting, she hadn’t heard Finn approach. It…



Eefje Valerie

My name is Eefje Valerie, and I bring to life my own wildest fantasies in written form, focusing on passion, love and sex. https://www.eefjevalerie.com