When The House Sitter Found The Sex Room

Yelena Dostoevsky agrees to house-sit for Lana & Paul Keeley, but whilst snooping where she shouldn’t be, she finds Lana and her husband’s sex room…

Eefje Valerie
Published in
17 min readApr 26, 2024


Yelena was still new to the The Wellspring neighborhood. It was only three months ago that her husband Alexei had brought her to this country. Yelena was shy, only eighteen years old, and already married to gruff, impolite, forty-eight year old Alexei.

What on earth did Yelena see in him, I hear you ask… Well, Alexei was powerful, well-respected, but more importantly, he could offer her passage to this country. Her father had agreed to the marriage, perhaps in part because Alexei terrified him, but to Yelena, Alexei was like a large Russian bear, scary when you don’t know him, but warm and kind when you did.

The only obstacle to Yelena’s happiness here in The Wellspring, was Karina, Alexei’s ailing mother, and the reason for Alexei’s immigration. Karina was a battle-axe; hardy, particular, and with a deep seeded anger about the country she lived in. Nothing made that woman happy. Yelena could bend over backwards to look after her, and Karina would still find something wrong.

Their latest clash was over Yelena’s cooking. Karina was barely capable of…



Eefje Valerie
The Wellspring

My name is Eefje Valerie, and I bring to life my own wildest fantasies in written form, focusing on passion, love and sex. https://www.eefjevalerie.com