3 Simple Ways to Start Your Day Feeling Accomplished

Start with the easy wins before your first coffee.

Michael LaNasa
The Westbound Creative
4 min readMay 13, 2021


Do you remember the last time you woke up a few minutes before your morning alarm? Not hours, but a few minutes, before everything in the house begins making noise. The day begins like a horse race.

I generally have a fleeting moment of panic. Wondering if I’ve overslept or forgotten to set my alarm the night before. Thanks to missing a few flights throughout my life, that fear has into my burned into my psyche.

Once surviving the initial moments of the morning, it’s time to get to it. Whether it be work, travel, or an empty schedule for the day.

These initial hours of the day are some of the most important. They set the stage. The mood. And can be a foundation for a productive and enjoyable day.

You don’t need to be a defined Type-A personality to take advantage of those first waking hours. Neither do you need to change your entire mindset as a relaxed Type-B personality. Quite the contrary in fact. You can keep your morning routine, all three cups of coffee of it. The only rule is to refresh how you frame it.

Begin your day with a routine that includes these three categories.



Michael LaNasa
The Westbound Creative

Writing for the lost + the found. ‣ One part entrepreneur. Two parts creative. A dash of nomadic irreverence. ✖ Here to support and inspire life-long learners.