Contributing to “The What’s Her Name”

Shani Syphrett-Haynes
The Whats Her Name
Published in
3 min readJan 12, 2018

We want to make it easy for you to contribute…

Whether you were invited or you found us on your own, we’re so glad you’re here. Below are some FAQs about “The What’s Her Name” and how to contribute.

What is “The What’s Her Name”?

“The What’s Her Name” is the first digital publication and trend report to examine marketing and advertising from the perspectives of women of color working in the field. Think AdWeek written by women of color. If this is your first time hearing about us, check us out here.

Who are you?

An amazing woman of color working directly (or indirectly) in marketing, advertising, branding, design, brand building….aka changing the world. We’re so inspired by you and want to build a bad-ass collective.

We’re building a bad-ass collective like the Cheetah Girls… #90snostalgia

What to contribute?

We’re open to opinion pieces, trend reports, thought pieces on current events, personal statements, how-to’s, why-not’s…you name it. It’s time for your voice to be heard and added to a community of great women.

Are there any rules?

Yes, but it’s because we ultimately want this to become a resource for people who can make a difference: brands, agencies, entrepreneurs, startups, activists, change makers, etc. So here they are:

  1. The author shares a personal experience or an original analysis of a past, current, or upcoming trend in marketing and advertising.
  2. The article is well-written with a great header and supporting visuals (we recommend using Unsplash or GIPHY). Please credit any images of popular figures or campaigns.
  3. (For informational articles) The article draws on at least 2 sources other than the author’s experience to back up an argument or analysis

How to contribute?

Step 1:

  • If you already have a account…. follow us so we can easily find your articles or…
  • If you don’t have a account yet… here is a great article from Hubspot on how to get started with Medium. Believe us, it’s worth it.

Step 2:

  • Write a great article or…
  • Import one of your great articles from other places on the web. Of course we have a guide for importing an existing article.

Step 3:

  • We’ll send you a request to add the article to the publication

Step 4:

  • You accept and then…
  • We do a Beyonce dance
Ok ladies, now let’s get in formation!

Who runs it?

The publication is curated by Jamila Studio, a multicultural marketing consultancy and creative studio championing millennial women of color. We’re on a mission to be the change we want to see in the world and are so grateful to have women like you who are willing to contribute your time and your thoughts. Ok ladies, now let’s get in formation!

Any questions?

Email Shani Syphrett, editor of “The What’s Her Name” and founder of Jamila Studio.



Shani Syphrett-Haynes
The Whats Her Name

Strategist. Educator. Coach. Holding space for people to reach their highest potential in community with others. Black creativity matters.