…and it’s alive!

Danielle Marie Parreño
the whimsical DENdrite
3 min readFeb 19, 2021

A couple of months ago, I couldn’t imagine creating this “professional” ish website of mine. I mean, I had one in the past (RIP to that personal WordPress website of mine… for now haha) and another as a portfolio of a sort for my art gigs (also another WordPress website, ha).

Anyway, my personal website in the past wasn’t reflecting who I was… professionally. And duh, Denden, it makes sense kasi nga personal website, so puro mga blog mo lang nandun about art and random things. Makalat pa. I made that almost four years ago and a lot of things have changed. I changed.

Sabi nga, the only constant thing in this world is change.

Chos. The point is, I made a professional (and sige na nga pwede na ring personal) website that I really like. It was such a breeze to place all the information (aside from the sad fact that the website looks like it was really just my fancy-ish CV and resume) because my self-concept right now is intact. I have an idea of what I still want to do and what I want to be even if my plans in the past have gone poof. Even my impostor syndrome is a little quiet when I was creating this. That must be a good thing, right?

I had to go through several challenges in the past year so I can have a clearer picture of my goals in the near future. Isama mo pa ang global pandemic among many other things, especially if you’re living in the Philippines. I mean, who didn’t have a hard time in 2020? It impacted my self-esteem, self-concept, self-worth… basically my mental health, so much that I had second thoughts on whether I am still fit to be a clinician. I took a break from doing my graduate thesis and providing psychosocial support to just focus on healing and getting better. More on this in the future.

But for now, goals! Well, I need to finish my MA in Psychology, graduate, and then get that license. Both drivers and psychologist license. Haha! I’ll decide whether I still want to pursue Ph.D. studies in the future, but my early-career researcher-teacher-practitioner-advocate self doesn’t look too shabby when I created my website. Not bad at all.

Anyway! This is also my maiden story for the whimsical DENdrite. I just love finding my nickname in words haha #sorrynotsorry plus it just really fits somehow from a microscopic point-of-view (to which I really adore because hey, i’m smol). I’m getting information from my researches, and I try my best to relay it to other people. Plus, imagine if I manage to transform other people too with what I write. Cheka haha but knowledge is power so it is what it is.

Why did I create the whimsical DENdrite, you ask?

Well, I honestly want to be more confident in presenting my research to other people. Like in layman’s terms. Because what’s the point if others couldn’t understand it, amirite? :/ So, definitely #sciencecommunication is one of the reasons.

I am also engaging in numerous writing exercises to practice expressing and storytelling for my Master’s thesis. Maybe more updates in the future, but for now, believe me or not, this is part of my writing exercise for my thesis.

Lastly, I think I also just want to practice being vocal with my thoughts rather than to just keep everything in. And madalas mas madaling mag-track ng mga sinusulat ko kapag online even if I’m aware of the risks of posting one’s thoughts in this virtual public space.

Well, I’ll never know unless I try writing, right?

So here they are, both my website and the whimsical DENdrite!

sunflowers and current updates on my life here at my new website https://sites.google.com/view/dmaparreno
Say hello to my new professional-ish website.

