Important announcement #1

Er Galvao Abbott
The White Hat ElePHPant
1 min readAug 12, 2017

Migrating from SlideShare to SpeakerDeck

TLDR; I’m moving from my original SlideShare to my SpeakerDeck.

It’s no secret that I’ve been very unsatisfied with SlideShare: From silly bugs to weird interface issues to ads, I came to believe it’s not the best place to share my talks’ slides.

I’ve finally began the painful process of migrating my presentations to SpeakerDeck. This will take me a while to complete, since I’ll need to:

  1. Manually collect the original data from SlideShare and put it on each talk;
  2. I don’t have all the original slides here, so I’ll need to download them from SlideShare and upload them to SpeakerDeck;
  3. The ones I have on both sides need to be checked for inconsistencies.

The important part to notice here is that I’ll be deleting the presentations I migrate to keep them all in one place and underline the single point to find them.

Thank you all for your support and understanding.



Er Galvao Abbott
The White Hat ElePHPant

Brazilian programmer and web app security advisor; Zend Framework Evangelist.