I Still Suck My Thumb

And so what if I do

Gioia Dalosso
The Whole Human


Sucking my thumb on my Grandparent's balcony as a kid. Photo: Author’s own

I’m 45 years old and I still suck my thumb.

I use the word ‘still’, but who the hell said I should have stopped by now anyway?

There appears to be some kind of Gestapo type of attitude towards adult thumb-sucking. Fortunately, I’ve had the good sense not to give in to such pressures at this late stage in the game.

There aren't that many of us ‘out’ in public, but from time to time I’ll see someone sucking their thumb on the train or the tube. I’ll usually rub some alcohol gel into my thumb, place it in my mouth and we will exchange knowing glances.

An unspoken camaraderie.

Happily thumb-sucking as a grown-up. Photo: MTV The Challenge on Twitter

Adult Thumb Suckers

The term ‘adult thumb sucker’ has some serious negative connotations.

A simple Google search and you’ll find that most results contain phrases like ‘break the habit’, ’‘how to stop’, and ‘why do adults have this bad habit’.

You’d think there was something wrong with it given the nature of the majority of posts on the web, but I can categorically tell you, that I know this is complete and utter rubbish.

