[KJC: 1/12/2017] The Whyre?(I’m sticking to this name)

Kritarth Jha
The Whyre
Published in
3 min readDec 1, 2017

Thanks for making it thus far. Whether you proceed any further, can only be known for certain when and if you proceed any further. Here’s stuff you haven’t missed.

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Man who asked to “Wind me up and see me go” devasted to find that he’s a children’s toy.

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And in another episode of the road to hell is paved with good intentions, we have an interview of makers of Dubstep and House music.They say they did it because they wanted music catering to people who didn’t want all the songs in the club to be about sex and relationships.

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What Religion Could be, but won’t, because it isn’t: The Church today legalised Gay Marriage. Marriage of course being the best punishment for two people who love each other; they reasoned, go for it, let’s see if you do any better.

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The opposition’s political counter to the ruling party was: “We’re not them”. As they later found out, this wasn’t good enough

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The Correct Answer to The Question:

“Is it more racist for a white person to voice an Indian character or is it more racist for people to imitate the fake-Indian accent of the character voiced by the white person?”


Go shoot yourself.

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In Today’s edition of “Seriously?”:

Person who thought all terrorists need is a hug changed his mind just as he was beheaded.

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Person who still thinks internet is the future of everything has “Duh” spray painted over his house.

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People applying to PhD positions at the Kinsey institute of study of human sexual behaviour are discouraged from beginning their essays with the line: “I’ve loved sex all my life….”.

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It was the best of times and it was the worst of times. For it was Christmas and he had crippling social anxiety.

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What’s worse than a Neo-Nazi, pedophile, racist, transphobic suburban mom or the NYT correspondent writing about it. The NYT editor who approves the story.

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In response to the criticism levelled at the quality of journalism, NYT will just stick to exposing Sexual Predators in hollywood, and stay away from stories on race, guacamole, anti-semitism and Nazi’s. Since it’s sometimes better to shut your mouth and let everyone wonder if you’re a fool rather than open it and let everyone wonder when you stopped hiring editors.

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How to Get Away With Murder:
Tweet “I will enact massive tax cuts if elected” to the Republican Party.

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PETA announced a new list of endangered species today. The White Trash Cisgender Male, followed by the Brahmins, made it into the top 3 of 2 positions.

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On the downside, Russia probably did interfere with American Elections. On the upside, now that Americans know what people Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Libya, Yemen… feel like, maybe they’ll have a more reasonable foreign policy. Or WW3. whichever happens first.

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