[KJC: 12–11–2017: A Title]

Kritarth Jha
The Whyre
Published in
2 min readNov 12, 2017

In most other sciences, an empirical refutation of the theory is followed by a new theory being proposed. Not so in economics. Where it becomes a “benchmark” to teach undergraduates. Their attitude is to the effect: Here’s what we came up with, let’s see if you can do any better.

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Taliban, ISIS, Al-Qaeda and other terrorists groups ink deal to outsource their work to the NRA.

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As a Brahmin, all of my 0 Dalit friends agree that they face no discrimination.

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Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you will know, that any actor who’s work you’ve loved is probably a total failure as a human being; or will soon be outed as one by a dozen women. By the time you’ve finished reading this column, there will be no one in Hollywood left who hasn’t been accused of being some version of a sexual predator. Except those 4 kids on Stranger things.

If an actor you love and respect, hasn’t been outed yet; give it a week.
Louis CK , Mad Men Creator ++

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Evidence finds that a decent schooling actually made people smarter. People go “Duh, wasn’t that the point?”. Michael Spence is baffled, and game theorists huddle to edit out one of it’s most famous illustrations.

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After a public tax bailout of Indian PSU’s, GOI incorporates a “No Bhanja Bhatija Rule”. If a company is getting a loan just because their CEO is a Bhanja/Bhatija of a Neta, just don’t give them the bloody loan.

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The general attitude of a economist when they see a distribution with fat tails is to tell it to go on a diet.

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Only 90s Kids will Remember this: Borrowing someone’s phone to play games. All this and more in an era before people had nudes on their phones.

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Words that should exist: Eating Multiple Kebabs in a day makes you a part of a one way polykebabourous relationship.

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South Asian Mothers Show no remorse for James Franco’s character in 127 hours. They say if you’re high and climbing mountains on your own, what else did you expect would happen.

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They filed for Divorce because when she found out he was only 1 in a million, she decided she’d take her chances with the other 7000 of him out there.

