[KJC : 8/12/2017 ] The Whyre?

Kritarth Jha
The Whyre
Published in
3 min readDec 8, 2017

Why am I still doing this? Who even knows.If you think you do, email me a possible reason on kritarth5@gmail.com

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On a scale of 1–10, how much would you rate me out of 7?

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The first rule of Capitalist Fight Club: Tell all your friends about Fight Club. We want all their money.

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And today, on “No really means No”:

I get that you’re not sexually attracted to me, would you still want to sleep with me?

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As Globalisation deposed before the ICJ today it clarified that when it said it would be equalising living standards across the world, it meant making everyone poorer.

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The NRA succeed in getting Americans to carry guns on airplanes, for the first time, they now need VISAs to travel anywhere.

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Gruesome murder commited today by person who was given a deit coke when asked for Ceok Zero. Their last words were “But aren’t they basically the same?”.

They weren’t.

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Today I told the LGBTQAI+ support group whoch put up a 7-colour rainbow flag about the possible 16,777,216 Colors represented by hex codes on the computer.

They then put up white flag to signal their capaciousness and acceptance. Unfortunately, it just seemed like they were giving up from the outside.

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Plethora of UK’s problems end as it starts teaching colonial history in its schools.

It’s amazing how humbling it is to find out that your grand father was the crazy axe wielding serial-rapist you’ve seen in movies.

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As Parents vote diametrically opposite to their kids in elections, children regret not taking them to that Burlesque dance they thought their parents would find offensive. It seems offense would have helped mould them.

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Tulips hit a new record high in price today. Did I say tulips? I meant Bitcoin. But you know is there a difference?

Technically, Yes there is. You should still not buy it.

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If I had a dollar for everytime I had to explain to someone how India is a part of Asia and hence I as an Indian am Asian too, id probably be eligible for a tax cut in the US.

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Here’s a Philosophical question:

If an indisposed Godzilla monster came and farted on an island of ~4–50million people and they mulched in its wake, it would be sad, but technically would it be a genocide?

Would it be a genocide if the Godzilla were a Nobel prize winner?

Would it be a genocide if the Island was in Europe?

Would it be a genocide if the fart made them all starve to death?

Would it be a genocide if the Godzilla was Nazi?

Would it be a genocide if they Godzilla went back home and celebrated Fartsgiving?

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Thanks for tuning in, although no one does that anymore, and even if they did you didn’t technically tune in for this. But thanks for your eyeballs. I’ll take your quads next time!

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