Horror Classes

The Cliffhangers Which Make People Read Your Article Till The End?

First Dance Move


Six dance moves that won’t let your prey out of your canvas

The First Dance Move Curiosity

It seems the easiest as people with brains and without brains at once will want to dive for that bait.

You know, your foundation of conspiracy has to have one layer of Curiosity.

If you end up calling a soul & recount someone was bitching about you in the mid, disconnect by switching off your phone; believe me, within the next 12 minutes, the person who would have ideally taken 60 minutes will be knocking on your door. It’s called Curiosity in layman’s language.

As Model

She was walking down the road and wondering why people were constantly watching her crotch.

She felt maybe her flyer was left open, precisely the seam of her dress tickled in calf to remind her of being garnished in a white unicorn dye dress.

She wore oversized sunglasses to prevent the sun from causing dark circles under her eyes. Equally, on the tip handed down by Aunt Suzy, pirates had stopped wearing a dark eye patch as the sun had given them wrinkles, dehydration & a black eye boundary around the eye.

She hesitated for a minute, finally acted in bending to stare at her crotch, which seemed to regard flawless under the sun flaunting her perfect carved legs with pink color panty showing off in contrast. She again saw passerby; instead of admiring her face, they were gazing at her crotch; this was enough. She hollered at that What is your problem? They ran double the velocity of the wind.

She resolved on taking off her Prada shades by awarding her a brighter glimpse as when you wear Prada; they make you own an aimless ego. In a rush, the magnetic clutch belt had gulped the vibrator as her mate; she was wearing a belt with a vibrator dangling right in mid of her pussy reign.

You didn’t walk away from me until you cursed me. As your Curiosity didn’t let you vanish.

Await for the second dance move in my next article. Things are best borne in small bites, not gulping down big bites, then cursing of over blotting.

The Naughty Vibrator

