The Final Act: The Murder of Hollywood Actress Adrienne Shelly

A beautiful life cut tragically short

Mia ✨
The Wicked Truth


Adrienne Shelly | Source

November 1, 2006

It was a crisp autumn afternoon in New York City. Andy Ostroy walked briskly towards the West Village office of his wife, 40-year-old Hollywood Actress and Filmmaker, Adrienne Shelly.

Andy was growing increasingly anxious. Adrienne wasn’t answering his calls and texts. A sense of dread washed over him as he approached the building where she had been working on her latest project, Waitress.

When Andy reached the front door of Adrienne’s office, he found it eerily ajar. He stepped inside and called her name. “Adrienne? Hello?”

There was no response.

Then, he saw it — the bathroom door was slightly open. Andy gave it a hesitant nudge and a horrific scene unfolded before his very eyes.

Adrienne was hanging by her neck with a bed sheet, her body cold and lifeless. Andy rushed toward her, but it was far too late. She was gone.

Detectives suggested Adrienne took her own life but Andy knew she would never have left their young daughter, the apple of her eye, Sophie, behind.

