Rigópoula T Tsambounieris
The Wide Open Space.
4 min readMar 17, 2021


Photo Courtesy of the Author


Excerpts From the Fading Distance

In the Greek Orthodox faith a child’s hair must not be cut before baptism. It must be kept pure from the cut of the knife, keeping intact its covenant with God. Thus, when a child is anointed in baptism, it must then in return give something to God. Since a child is born with no material possessions of its own a lock of its hair is cut as a gift to God. That is all it has to give…

“God made you what you are, that is Gods gift to you. What you make of yourself, is your gift to God”

I come face to face with the past as my imagination weaves its way through the silence of the words I place upon the innocence of this page. The page thrives off of my silence and feeds off the smudged letters that swim before my eyes, forming memories that the complexity of time has not reduced to ashes, has not the capability to alter the ethics of my personal conscience.

I stood sitting on the promontory between the phthalo blue of the sea and the ancient crags of the hills I had insultingly turned my back upon. I sensed the threatening shadow before I felt the blow to my unprotected head. I was struck on the side of my head by with the flat curve of a shepherd’s staff. I felt the cracking of my skull, as crimson droplets of my life fell onto the pristine pages of the open book I held loosely between my hands. The book, The Odyssey



Rigópoula T Tsambounieris
The Wide Open Space.

In my spare time, I’ll be found at my favorite writing spot— where death surely cannot miss me. I’ve been censored... I do not tell—all.