Best eCommerce Marketing Strategies to Boost Your Online Sales

Ashfaq Ahmad
The Wigzo Journal
Published in
7 min readOct 15, 2018

eCommerce marketing is the method of urging sales by increases the awareness about an online store’s brand or product company offerings. Digital marketing in the eCommerce applies traditional marketing principles to a multichannel and data-driven. There are many channels for eCommerce Marketing. Companies use their best ways to explore their business. The eCommerce companies always keeping up the Marketing Trends to increases the sales of their products or brands they offer.

There is no such thing which is like “best.” As it is the fact that one person’s meat results in another one’s poison. If marketing strategy of one person is best, it automatically becomes an epic disaster to another person.

It may be an eCommerce marketing strategy which works for you is merely depends on your context. It depends on the industry where you work, what your potential customers are used to, what you sell and in some cases, what factors prevent you from marketing in a definite manner.

On the other hand, Regardless of what the “uncertainty,” all is not lost. And yes it is truly said that it is essential to experiment to know the right marketing strategy. As there are some strategies which are “timeless.”

Many eCommerce companies have proven some strategies to work in the past, and in the future, they will continue to work foreseeable.

Recommend: The Definitive Guide to eCommerce Personalization in 2018

So, there are some strategies that you must know. The 7 of Best eCommerce Marketing Strategies to Explode Your Sales are as follows:

Best eCommerce Marketing Strategies

1. Content Marketing

If you want to marketing on the internet, you need content. The exact definition of content marketing, it is a method to create online material. It includes videos, GIFs, Images; Blog posts, etc. that helps to attract the customers which are the main target. It helps to fulfill your target.

It is definitely used for selling directly; On the other hand, it also used to increase the potential of the customers about your product(s). As it educates them about any item or the product. It also develops thought of the leadership and raise awareness about your brand to the customers.

So, many eCommerce companies got success in content marketing. It helps them to explode sales.

2. Referral Marketing

Referral Marketing is also one of the strong or powerful marketing methods for the eCommerce sometimes it is also known as word-of-mouth marketing. It is the best because we know human being is a social creature, and we used to share the experiences with our family, friends, and relatives. As we share our thoughts and ideas like our bad as well as good experiences too. And it is the human nature that it encourages to support those places which provide him or her with the excellent experience. You may or may not like, but people going to share about you with their circle. You prefer that someone shares the positive experience about your product or any brand. That is actually called as the referral marketing.

Referral marketing is when you consciously affect the process of word-of-mouth; it may be whether encouraging more sharing or set the sharing to be positive.

3. Email Marketing

Who still don’t read emails? Apparently, it’s not possible; as it is the world of the digital marketing that someone ignores emails to read. Everyone goes through the email inbox daily. So, it is also one of the best methods of eCommerce marketing strategies.

Even though the prevalence of the social networking apps, email remains the topmost communication network for most of the people. More than 90% people used to check their emails on the daily basis. It means that it becomes one of the best channels to increase sales.

Some research analysis shows that email marketing in increases averages sale up to three times more than the actual sale of the products or any brands. People spend more when marketed by emails especially in comparison to those who don’t. The exact definition of the email marketing is merely sending emails that are promotional to people those who have permitted you to be in contact. You can quickly carry all the emails to all the customers and share the products.

4. Instagram Marketing

It is also one of the foremost methods of the ecommerce marketing strategies to explore your sales. As, maximum people of Instagram use their feed to look for online shopping inspiration, while also seeking to explore and discover new brands. These are customers or users who are looking for stores like you to purchase from. It also means that if you do not use Instagram or are not active on it, you are probably missing out on many opportunities for sales. It is the useful method to get the target accomplished.

5. Facebook Ads

Facebook plays a vital role in our daily life. Everyone uses facebook nowadays. It is one of the powerful and advertising platform to increase your sale as people actively use facebook daily. Moreover, there is also an Ad platform which is our primary target. You can select a target and your ads based on location, language, education, age, life events, behaviors, and interests, etc.

You can also able to add a Facebook pixel on your website and retarget the viewers who have seen your website but did not make any purchase. Many companies earn millions just by using Facebook Ads.

6. Push Notification

Your mobile device can act as a spectacular one-sided messenger for all your need. A push notification is a type of message that shows up on your device. The best part is you don’t need to worry about the connection to which you are sending as you can send it anytime and the users need not be in the application. There is a lot of things you can do with the best eCommerce personalization tools. You can relate these notifications as mobile alerts and SMS text messages.

For example, you can show your users the current advancement through it, and you can involve customers to take actions with your given plans and products, notify your customers about recent launch and discount offers, coupons to enhance your sale.

7. Messenger Marketing

Social media marketing tools are most popular these days as almost everyone is talking to enhance their business productivity. The first thing that comes to the picture is marketing through facebook messenger. It is becoming an excellent opportunity for people to buy products, purchase the ads, connects with people at different platforms. If we talk about the open rate of success and also consumption rate, it is really at the high level as compared to other platforms as people connectivity at facebook messenger is appreciable.

For instance, two types of Facebook ads are there to do marketing. One is destination ad, and other is sponsored message. In the first one, you choose facebook messenger as your destination rather than the website. In the case of a sponsor, the message will directly appear in the messenger inbox.

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The eventual thoughts on eCommerce Marketing are that no such thing in this universe is called as “best strategy.” Despite, various strategies have been turning out to work by many eCommerce stores before you. If you go through the list of strategy suggested, decide anyone, and test it out.

You will hereafter discover the best eCommerce marketing strategies that will work for your company or store. These are the 5 Best eCommerce Marketing Strategies to Explode Your Sales; it will help the eCommerce companies.

Next, check out our ultimate guide to creating an eCommerce personalization to make sure you’re making the most of your increased personalization & traffic!

Originally published at on October 15, 2018.



Ashfaq Ahmad
The Wigzo Journal

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