eCommerce Optimization Guide: Best Ways to Instant Boost Your Sales

Ashfaq Ahmad
The Wigzo Journal
Published in
9 min readOct 23, 2018

eCommerce is not something for which you have to be scary. There is no such hard and tough rule that is difficult to understand. To make this term simpler, it’s all about the online businesses; or raising profits. Undoubtedly we can say that every entrepreneur wants to boost their sales as well as increase the conversation rate.

Moreover, we can say that visitors play a vital role to increase the profits. If you are running an online store, then there are certain queries which you have to think such as:

  • Every visitor or spectators who visit the website are your true customers?
  • Do you think that your online store is delivering the profits which you expect?

To fulfill these queries self-improvement is necessary. To overcome the problems or to attract the users you have to apply certain strategies. Thus we can say that a high-quality eCommerce website will surely drive a sale for your business. As the competition level is increasing day by day, sometimes it is difficult to simplify the process of an eCommerce store.

It is important to follow the eCommerce optimization guide to boost sales and revenue. The step by step optimization techniques can help you to raise the growth of your ecommerce store. There are some simple techniques which are used to interact with more customers, can raise the sale, or improving the business.

eCommerce Conversions Rate

Picking out the word conversion it is defined as a key element which specifies paid strategy. The main motto of conversion is to change your visitors into buyers. eCommerce conversion rate chart signifies the growth of your online store. Conversion rate depends upon the “pay per click” strategy; which is based on customer action.

Good conversion rate

If you are receiving 1–2% reactions than it is the average conversion rate; and near about 3–5% then your little bit efforts can make it good. Hence we can say that your 2+ conversion rate is considered as a baseline of your eCommerce website.

For example:

If 5,000 visitors are visited at your online store; then according to 50 conversions per period, the percentage rate is 1%. It can be easily calculated as dividing conversion into visitors. From the given table you will get a complete idea of conversion rate 2018.

Conversion Rate Chart

There are certain actions which can help you with higher conversion rate such as:

  • Setting Up Your eCommerce Website
  • Picking the Right eCommerce Platform
  • Selecting an appropriate Template
  • Create the Effective Product Pages
  • Add some Features
  • Optimizing Your eCommerce Website

Thus we can say that it is important to analyze the running issues to implement preferred steps.

eCommerce Optimization Guide: 12 steps that are used to optimize your website issues and to boost revenue:

1. Add quality images of the product

Convincing images or videos are used to influence the visitors. The entrepreneurs have to understand that customers cannot smell, touch or rectify the material on a store site. Thus the image is the only source through which they can interact with products. So it is important to implement the techniques through which a user can easily navigate your website. Instead of overloading it with multiple images it’s better to use a real picture. The size or color of an image plays a vital role in making it more appealing. You can also add videos so that users can go through the complete information of the product.

There are specific techniques on which you should focus so that the audience can easily navigate the images such as:

  • Full-screen images
  • Lightbox
  • Photo galleries
  • Zoom / magnify options

2. Create Urgency with Flash Sales

Flash sale is considered a good option for users. It is considered a marketing strategy to trigger the reaction or engaging a large number of audiences. For this, you can include methods of CTA such as “grab the discount options today.”

Thus if you want to promote your flash sale option then can implement various techniques:

  • Display the stock levels
  • Countdown timer and coupon offer

3. Building an email list

This is the best method of communication with customers; as it is beneficial for making healthy relationship bond with customers. This technique is used to build ROI; which symbolize more conversion rate. This type of interaction will help you to promote more options and engaging customers.

Here are the best ways to use email marketing effectively to promote your online store.

  • Email Subject Line
  • Email Personalization

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Also, you can prefer the seasonal strategy such as:

  • Winter season
  • Summer season
  • Valentine’s Day
  • Memorial Day

4. Can work on pricing

No doubt every single buyer prefers to compare the price of a product instead of directly buying it. The results depend upon the basis of quality, discounts, and features of a product. Say you are looking for a refrigerator; thus there is a huge list in the market from which you can shortlist the best one.

So as a buyer point of view an individual will go through to other websites to compare the product. Thus to make your product unique, you have to apply CTA strategy, i.e., Call to Action.

  • You can use action keywords
  • Try to make it functional so that user can operate it easily
  • Certain features are to be added such as what to do next, add to wishlist, buy now, payment options. Through this user can easily access the options.
  • Most important if you are using a key for CTA; then try to use a color which is easily visible to users.

Optimize the price

  • To attract users, you need to charm price; using 9 as an ending number can increase the conversion.
  • It’s important to add live chats option; through this user can interact with a customer care person for sorting out the queries.
  • Highlight the features so that customers can analyze product benefits.
  • Secure options for payment
  • Demo for trails

5. Personalization options

This is considered as the smartest strategy which is a quite hot topic of eCommerce optimization. Gathering the whole information of visitors and interacting with them personally is an effective way of communication. After knowing there likes/dislikes you can offer the best options for your visitors to make them buyers. Good personalization can boost the revenue up to 15–20%.

Some tips you have to follow in eCommerce personalization are:

  • Highlight the related products
  • Provide relevant information
  • Adjust navigation
  • The discount should be shown according to their categories

Buyers avoid irrelevant ads or videos the reason behind is it consumes time. So it is necessary to highlight the product related information. It has been noticed that there is a huge increase in revenue by personalizing steps.

6. Optimization for mobile

No doubt nowadays people prefer to use mobile phones to grab information instead of using desktop or laptops. As this handy product is easy to carry and reliable to use. According to a survey, it has been noticed that if your website needs more than 3 seconds in uploading, then around 40–45% users will leave your website.

  • Render start time will boost your 50% revenue. Thus through this, the conversion rate will increase visitors can visualize the product.
  • You can use the Google checker option to speed up your website.
  • Can also make use of the caching plugin so that user can access it without any problem.

If you are using a WordPress site then can also follow these tips to improve the speed of your page. According to video marketing reviews, 90% of customers prefer to watch demo videos on mobile devices. Even more important, 84% of consumers have purchased after watching a video.

For mobile SEO you can use the following steps such as:

  • You can optimize the page title or descriptions so that mobile users can search the eCommerce website easily.
  • You can use the keywords so that mobile can users can easily land on your website.
  • With the specific search terms you can attain attention from mobile visitors; thus this will increase the conversion rate.
  • Have a look of search ranking after a mobile user’s experience
  • It is important to optimize the voice search; around 50% mobile users use it

7. Try to overcome other objectives

It usually takes time for customers to choose the product of their own choice. Thus it can be due to multiple reasons, but the most common objectives are:

  • Price
  • Competition
  • The product is suitable or not

Price is the main objective of every single user and it can be diminished by various options such as flash sales, discount offers or coupon system. On the other hand, a product fit can be explained with the help of an example. If a customer wants to buy a bridal dress, then the color option is considered as a product fit objective.

8. Automate Email marketing

To generate the leads it is important to buyers as well as non-buyers. By targeting the customers through Email templates, you can easily politely communicate them. Either it can be about feedback or reviews about the product. eCommerce conversion rate cannot be possible without the involvement of customers and to interact with them, email marketing plays an important role.

  • A welcome note is a unique idea to impress the audiences.
  • Specification about brand
  • Sharing experiences

9. Reduce Cart Abandonment

Payment options play an important role in increasing the conversion rate of an eCommerce website. With the help of advanced exit-intent technology, it can be easily detected that visitor is about to leave the page; so during this, a pop-up option can be a center of attention. Through this, you will observe the reduce cart abandonment. Options such as free shipping techniques or top offers can be used to make your visit a buyer. Moreover, in this you can also add multiple payment methods:

  • Paytm
  • Cash
  • Credit card
  • Debit card

It is important to make all the options visible on the home page such as add to cart with an icon. And while checking out, it would be beneficial to ask the query such as “are you sure you want to check out,” “proceed” and many more.

10. Use up-selling

Upselling is a proved tactic which is used by every single online website to increase the eCommerce conversion rate. You can easily feel the changes in revenue after applying the Upsell tactics.

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The main motive if this strategy is to encourage people so that they can buy a product whether it is expensive or not. It is quite easy to target the current customers for Upsell products instead of focusing on a new one. It results in approximately a 30% increase in revenue; and also responsible for customer lifetime value on the same eCommerce website.

11. Get Feedback

One single feedback of every user can mean a lot for an eCommerce website. This is quite essential to make the next visit of a user even more interesting or dynamic. Thus this can be a good option to connect with a potential customer. Moreover, we can say that to increase the conversion rate you can also offer a coupon or other incentives.

12. Troubleshoot common errors

No doubt timely troubleshooting process can help the visitor. Through this, you can update the unique ideas which are easy to access by your customers. To eradicate the errors which can either appear in pictures, videos or content can help in updating your eCommerce website.


There are ample of tools which can help you to increase traffic or revenue. Thus for steady flow, you can concentrate on the above steps so as to find the best results. Try to add multiple modes of paying methods so that visitors fall in love with your services. Homepage is considered as the engaging part of websites so for good eCommerce conversion rate, you can add images or videos along with content.

Now you know how to handle eCommerce optimization, step by step, to really boost sales and revenue.

Originally published at on October 23, 2018.



Ashfaq Ahmad
The Wigzo Journal

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