Measure The Success Rate Of Your Web Push Notifications Using These 9 Metrics

Shvangi Sharrma
The Wigzo Journal
Published in
5 min readSep 11, 2017

Push notifications have become an inseparable part of the marketing strategy for both B2B and B2C businesses. Known to improve customer engagement and retention rates, the push strategy was initially limited to just mobile phones.

It’s only since 2016 that businesses have realized the potential of web push notifications. According to StatCounter Global Stats, desktop usage still accounts for around 48.7% of the total internet time worldwide, which means that consumers are more likely to interact with various brands from the desktop than through their mobile phones or tablets.

Moreover, Chrome, Firefox and Safari — when combined — have a total market share of about 62–79%. This means that with these browsers supporting web push, the reach of such notifications is immense, and chances of generating more sales by businesses via web even more so!

A nascent technology, web push notifications allow the brands to communicate with their customers even when they are not on the website. The early adopters of web push notifications were eCommerce firms, with other industries such as media, SaaS, education, etc. following suit.

Although web push notifications can be quite distracting, as they pop up right on the top of the screen, they have been quite instrumental in yielding higher conversation rates for businesses — even more than emails!

Therefore, brands must leverage the power of web push notifications against their marketing strategies to not only stay in the purview of their website visitors but also to rev up their sales by engaging consumers on a continuous basis. But how is it possible to calculate the effectiveness or success of your web push strategy? By relying on the following simple metrics:

1. Number of notifications sent

Honestly speaking, it is not possible to set a number as the demand for sending web push notifications varies from business to business. It can be twice a week for one brand and 5 times a day for another. All you can do is keep a tab of the number of notifications sent to subscribers over a period of time, and the corresponding response received on them to finally fix a number!

2. Frequency of notifications sent

Since there’s no hard and fast rule to fix the number of notifications, you can A/B test the frequency of notifications being sent out, focusing majorly on:

  • The time intervals between each notification
  • The relevance of the message(s)
  • The conversion rate generated by each notification

If too many people are removing themselves from your subscription list, you need to take a step back and tweak your push strategy a bit.

Also read: Creative Ways To Use Browser Push Notifications To Get More Conversions

3. Un-subscriptions

Re-evaluate the content and no. of times a message is pushed once you are able to find out the reasons for why a consumer unsubscribed from the list. Examine the notification message which prompted him or her to take this decision. This will help you understand your subscriber behaviour and their preferences.

Create personalized web push notifications with Wigzo.

4. Click-through rate of notifications

Since people will subscribe to push notifications only if they are genuinely interested to see what your brand has to offer. With this metric, you will be able to understand whether or not the messages being circulated are striking the right chord with your audience.

5. Number of notifications delivered

What’s the point of putting in so much energy and effort into your push strategy if the notifications are not even reaching your subscribers? The reasons for a failed delivery could be many:

  • Poor internet connectivity
  • Use of a different browser
  • Change in the push settings of the subscriber

So track this metric too, so that you can either remove such people from the subscription list or reach out to them via email or some other channel.

6. Performance of website traffic

Has the number of page visits increased after you sent out a push notification? Have they decreased? This is an important metric as it tells you whether or not all the effort has been put in the right direction. Wigzo recorded an average of 7–10% opt-in rate for browser push notifications — out of which 70% was from mobile sites, and 35% from the desktop.

7. Time spent on a page after a certain notification

This is a continuation to point #6, as measuring the page performance is not just what is important. In fact, it is also necessary to see how much time is spent on that page — as the ultimate goal of the push notification is to bring the person to that page. So are they really spending a considerable amount of time on it — is something to understand.

8. Number of sales generated

The main aim of any marketing activity is to see if your strategy is driving any business in the end. Therefore, measure the number of conversions each of these notifications lead to. Dig deeper into the number of sales generated from a notification, visitors converted over a period of time and the total revenue.

Also read: The Complete Guide To Using Push Notifications For eCommerce: Web And Mobile

9. Delivery time with respect to re-engagement

To get the most out of the web push notifications, it is important to ensure the messages are timely, precise and relevant to the user. Doesn’t matter whether or not the message is correct, if your notifications are not being delivered at the right time, the purpose is conveniently lost.

How does Wigzo help?

Personalized push notifications lead to at least 25% in click-through rates as compared to generic notifications — and Wigzo not only believes in this but also has made sure that the assistance provided to each of its clients is super personalized for maximum conversions.

Using Wigzo personalised, segmented & trigger-based notifications, you will be able to convert 33% of people abandoning their carts, and also retain 26% more users using segmentation & behavioural notifications.

It’s all about making shopping convenient and fun for the modern customer. Shopping is an expression of needs, wants and desires, and if a business is able to tap into that without being too robotic in its messages, the job is done and it has secured a loyal customer!

BONUS: Download our FREE comprehensive guide on using web push notifications RIGHT HERE

This post was originally published on Wigzo’s blog.

