5 Awesome Companies Reusing Plastic in Unique Ways

ALDA Lifestyle
The Wild Thoughts Blog
6 min readNov 1, 2018

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, then you’ve heard about the backlash against plastic pollution in 2018. We’re all about advocating for living in nature, but maybe draw a line when your living quarters keep you from knowing about the planet going to shit.

We’ve all kinda heard about how to decrease our plastic consumption: take advantage of reusable bags, bottles, straws, and other utensils. There’s one HUGE problem though…

What the hell do we do with all the plastic already out there? Turns out plastic isn’t created equal, and lots of it can’t be recycled in a conventional way.

HOWEVER! There are plenty of companies popping that are doing weird, creative things with plastic to recycle it in unconventional ways:

01. Swaggr

Socks are everyone’s secret weapon to being comfortable all the time, and Swaggr is a brand spanking new company that finds a way to make this secret weapon out of useless plastic.

1 pair of socks is made from 2 plastic bottles, and they’re designed with functionality — not only sustainability — in mind. In case Big Foot is reading this, you can rest assured that they would still fit your feet comfortably.

And don’t worry, your feet won’t feel like you slipped plastic bottles on them. They’ll feel as cozy (if not cozier) than your favorite pair of socks right now, all the while keeping plastic out of our beloved oceans.

P.S. If you want the deets on why they quit their jobs at investment banks and big marketing firms to make plastic socks, you can read their story here.

02. ChicoBag

OK so plastic bottles are a popular choice apparently because ChicoBag makes those reusable bags we’ve been nagging you about — and out of 100% recycled plastic bottles!

They conveniently fit in one tiny ass pocket too, so you can stuff it in your purse or man bag so you’ll never forget it when you go grocery shopping.

Also, it’s not a sissy bag — it’s machine washable and can carry up to 40 pounds!

By the way, not only is the bag from recycled plastic but the packaging it’s shipped to you in is also recycled and recyclable, so no trade-offs here.

And did we mention that they also partner with a buttload of nonprofits to address environmental issues that the company doesn’t directly deal with? If you wanna know more, check out their story here.

03. Coalatree

Coalatree — oops, I mean Coalatree ORGANICS makes a whole bunch of stuff out of old plastic. Pants, blankets (in case the picture didn’t give it away), backpacks…they’re kinda the superheroes of the recycled plastics world.

The kachula blanket also happens to be multipurpose. It triples as a sleeping bag, travel pillow, and a poncho (at least when you when you attach the removable hood.)

As for the pants and backpacks, well, they’re just comfy as hell and durable to boot — while also being environmentally friendly.

In case reading about ChicoBag has made you demand companies do some sort of charitable work, you can rest assured that Coalatree has done work with homeless populations. Read up on it here.

04. Ecozee

Ever wanted bed sheets that were made out of plastic bottles? No? Well, you will after you hear about Ecozee.

Turns out you don’t even need to get out of bed to save the planet these days. Get yourself a set of ecozee sheets (when they’re released that is) and enjoy sitting on your ass while making a difference.

The company is driven by the 8 million tons of plastic that end up in oceans every year. On top of making innovative sheets (come one, when’s the last time you heard of sheets being innovative?) they also donate 5% of profits to ocean conservation organizations.

You can sign up to be in the know about their product launch here.

05. Rareform

Rareform is a boss in terms of reusing plastics because they steal billboards in the middle of the night to make nice wallets, like the one pictured above.

Okay just kidding, but only about the stealing billboards part.

Rareform does, in fact, make bags, backpacks, wallets, and totes from vinyl (just another word for plastic) billboards, just by legally procuring them.

Their stuff is functional for carrying all your shit while being one-of-a-kind designs since they’re from repurposed materials (does the name make sense now?)

If you wanna know why the founders decided to remake stuff out of billboards was their calling, check here.


What’s wrong with a bit of shameless promo, especially when it makes you look good?

We’ve been tooting everyone else horns, but we also happen to make super comfy, stylish T-shirts from plastic.

We hopped on the “remaking plastic bottles” train and decided the best way to help you show that you protect your wild is by making your new favorite everyday T-shirt.

Who knew plastic could be so soft?

(Shoutout to Recover for ecofriendly printing!)


  • Plastic ain’t equal y’all — most plastic isn’t recycled or straight up can’t be recycled, so some awesome brands have been stepping up and finding new ways to use plastics.
  • Swaggr makes socks — the ULTIMATE comfort clothing — almost entirely out of plastic bottles.

Find them on Indiegogo, your feet (and the planet) will thank you!

  • ChicoBag makes the ever-popular reusable bag out of 100% post-consumer recycled plastic bottles.

Next to reusable bottles, reusable bags are hands down the EASIEST way to protect the environment. So if you’re a newb to eco stuff, this one is for you.

Find them on ALDA.

  • Coalatree Organics uses — you guessed it — organic materials to make everything from blankets to backpacks to pants

BUT they also use recycled plastic (and other materials) to make these awesome products.

Can also be found on ALDA.

  • Sheets made out of plastic may sound like a literal nightmare, but ecozee makes them feel like a dream.

Super soft cotton feeling? The indescribable feeling of making a difference? Both boxes are checked off.

Find them at ecozee.

  • Rareform makes backpacks, totes, and wallets out of plastic, but not just any ol’ plastic — billboards!

And in case you doubt us, YES billboards are vinyl and YES vinyl is plastic

Find them on ALDA too! Pssstt…they also happen to be on sale (20% thank you very much.)

  • WE also happen to make some hella soft, hella stylish T-shirts out of 8 whole plastic bottles.

Cause everyone needs a comfy everyday T-shirt, let’s just be honest. This one also happens to #protectyourwild

Find them on — wait for it — ALDA

Originally published at alda.life.



ALDA Lifestyle
The Wild Thoughts Blog

A sustainable lifestyle brand connecting you with your favorite green living tips and products (with a twist of humor!) Come join the ALDA Lifestyle.