Top 5 Sustainable YouTube Channels

ALDA Lifestyle
The Wild Thoughts Blog
5 min readSep 6, 2018

I think we can all agree that YouTube is best utilized for funny cat videos and stupidly funny shorts a la the vine era, but I’ll admit it’s got its more functional side as well (and I’m not talking about the how to videos that range from kissing to cutting an onion without crying).

Sustainability is an often ignored corner of the YouTube world, which is no surprise since we all know sustainable living isn’t the most popular lifestyle option (yet). That being said, there are some dark horses with YouTube channels that focus on sustainability.

We’ve put together the top 5 that are a must to check out for anyone interested in dumping their waste habits (outside of landfills and oceans that is), learning how to garden and/or farm, or just in general sustainable living.

01. Trash is for Tossers

Lauren Singer is the megamind behind this zero waste channel and website. Not only has this channel been around since 2014 and collected over 200,000 subscribers (not too shabby for an eco channel), Singer has also done a TED Talk and is arguably one of the OG’s spearheading the zero waste movement.

In case you’re worried that this channel is only for hard core zero wasters, don’t panic just yet. The videos range from beginner to advanced waste reduction, and with more than 50 videos to pick from — not too many but not too few — you can pick where you want to start and with what.

Deodorant, cold & flu medicine, haircare, skincare, q-tips, brand reviews…you’ll be going zero waste crazy soon enough (in a good way).

Where To Start: Four Years of Trash in One Jar

“In case you’re worried that this channel is only for hard core zero wasters, don’t panic just yet.”

02. The Minimalists

The Minimalists isn’t just a YouTube channel about — wait for it — minimalism. They’ve got it all: podcasts, films, books, and a website on top of it all. They claim a reach of 20 million peeps, which is easy to believe once you look at their YouTube content.

Of course they’re knowledgeable about minimalism and how to achieve it, but what really sells their videos is how they’re simultaneously laid back and lively. No need to worry about stuffy and self-important content about lifestyle changes! Instead you’ll be appreciating — and prolly relating to — their refreshing humor and take on minimalist living.

Their videos are about both material shit as well as the less tangible stuff (life if your day job is bringing you down) and hobbies that align with minimalism.

Where To Start: What’s in a Minimalist’s Travel Bag?

03. MIgardener

Ever had a green thumb? No? Well, turns out we can all learn to have one — or at least a brown thumb — thanks to MIgardener. This channel has been around since 2011 and focuses on self-sustainability, at least as far as food is concerned anyway.

I’m sure I’m not the only one who gets a little hesitant when I see hella overpriced produce, so why not grow our own? It’s this funny thing people used to do before industrial farming, and MIgardener breaks down how to do it for a SHIT TON of yields.

The peeps behind the channel also offer a free ebook on their website (cause you know you’ve always wanted a free tomato ebook), and publish content regularly so you know how to grow your garden once you get the hang of it.

Oh, and if you’re concerned about it not being au naturale, no worries. MIgardener only gives you the tea on organic farming.

Where To Start: Complete June Garden Tour!

04. Guildbrook Farm

Maybe an off-grid YouTube channel sounds like an oxymoron (and maybe it is) but Guildbrook Farm seems to be doing a pretty good job of making the two work together. And if you’ve ever wanted to trade in “modern” life for homesteading, this channel is here to make the transition smoother.

Holed away near the Appalachia, Guildbrook Farm is set up with an organic farm and some livestock, too (chicken and pigs to be exact). They hook us up with how to take care of all these, as well as do shit like canning, build renewable energy systems (still off grid — don’t worry), and prepare for natural disasters (for any preppers out there).

Their channel focuses on their journey on the homesteading path, so you don’t have to worry about “keeping up” with them or anything, since their stuff is also relatable.

Oh, and they also tout living debt-free, which is always a bonus.

Where To Start: How To Start A Prepper Food Pantry

“Maybe an off-grid YouTube channel sounds like an oxymoron (and maybe it is) but Guildbrook Farm seems to be doing a pretty good job of making the two work together.”


This one is the best option if you don’t want to run off to build a ranch, turn your backyard (or apartment windowsill) into a garden, and/or transition into zero wasting or minimalism quite yet. If you don’t really have a target area in your life to green up, then this channel is perfect.

Good Simple Impact delivers random sustainable lifestyle videos on the regular. From coffee and food in general, to issues that come with palm oil, LED lights, and single-use plastics, this channel gives us a reason to give a shit about different environmental issues as well as ways to adjust our own lifestyle choices for the better.

And in case you’re just an eco-nerd who wants some sustainability news delivered in a not totally boring way (and in a British accent), Good Simple Impact has videos on environmental news, too. Want to know what the most sustainable town in the world is? How about advice on betters beers? Or the ever-heated topic of peeing in the shower? Yup, GSI has talked about all of those.

Hell, the channel even has a video on whether or not that tea bags in shoes trick actually works.

Where To Start: The Thing About Palm Oil

So why “Netflix and Chill” when you can “YouTube and Chill” to save the planet, one lifestyle choice at a time? And next time you click on one of these channels instead of a funny cat video, remember it’s so you can #protectyourwild.

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By Darian Williams, ALDA’s Blog and Digital Marketing Specialist Intern

Originally published at



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The Wild Thoughts Blog

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