Monroe Township Council introduces new ordinance regarding irrigation system

Contract for new trash truck engine awarded

Anthony Mazziotti
The Williamstown Sun
2 min readNov 14, 2018


Monroe Township Council had the first reading and introduction of four ordinances at its latest meeting.

The first ordinance would allow council to use up to $50,000 for the upgrade of the irrigation system at Owens Park and the extension of the bike path within Monroe Township. According to the ordinance, no more than $30,000 is to be spent on the irrigation system, and no more than $20,000 is to be spent on the bike path. The money will be taken from the Parks and Recreation Developers’ Donation Fund.

The second ordinance regards land management in the township. It discusses both the logistics for signing a potential automotive fueling station and operations standards.

The third involves fire prevention standards. It alters permit fees for the four types of permits. A Type 1 permit will change from $35 to $53, Type 2 from $138 to $214, Type 3 from $276 to $641 and Type 4 from $414 to $641.

The fourth ordinance is in regard to door-to-door commercial solicitors. This ordinance alters the hours a peddler can go door-to-door from Monday to Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. to 9 a.m. to sunset unless the peddler has a specific invitation and an appointment with the customer. The permit application process for vendors changed as well.

These four ordinances will be up for adoption after second reading at the Nov. 26 meeting

In other news:

  • On Oct. 8, Business Administrator Kevin Heydel addressed council regarding a trash truck with a dead engine. At the latest council meeting, a resolution was passed to purchase a replacement engine. Hunter Keystone Peterbilt, LP will install and replace the engine for $25,080.
  • Sustainable Monroe Township was recertified as bronze. This certification is good until 2021. A resolution was passed regarding the Sustainable Jersey Hub grant in the total of $3,150.
  • Council approved a resolution to appropriate an NJ Transportation Trust Fund — FY 2018 Bikeway Program in the amount of $270,000.
  • Director of Parks and Recreation Jim Bonder spoke about the Toys for Tots program.

“Two weeks ago, they had 61 families in Monroe Township qualified and registered for gifts.” he said.

Bonder added that while online registration ended on Nov. 15, if you were to contact his office by phone at (856) 728–1372. From there he could submit a formal written request to the Toys for Tots program.

  • The next council meeting will take place on Nov. 26 at 8 p.m. at the municipal building. A work session will take place at 7 p.m. at the same location. Both meetings are open to the public.

