Monroe Township Public Works tip of the month: Grasscycling

This month’s tip is to teach citizens about the benefits of grasscycling

Anthony Mazziotti
The Williamstown Sun
2 min readJun 26, 2018


Press release issued by Monroe Township Department of Public Works

Grasscycling is the natural recycling of grass by leaving clippings on the lawn when mowing. Grass clippings decompose quickly, returning valuable nutrients back to the soil. It saves time and money, and helps the environment.

Cut it and leave it

No bagging and dragging of grass is required. It reduces the need to water your lawn by putting moisture back in the ground. It also reduces the need to fertilize your lawn. The grass clippings quickly decomposes which naturally fertilizes your lawn with nutrients. By going bagless for one summer you can save up to a full day of time, it also creates a lush, healthy lawn which helps prevent disease, thatch and weed growth.

Mowing Tips

Mow your lawn when it’s dry and keep your mower blades sharp. Be sure to follow the “1/3 Rule”. Mow your lawn often enough so that no more than one third of the length of the grass blade is cut and left on the lawn. Lawns are most healthy when mowed to a height of two and a half to three inches.

The more you know

Grass clippings are a major part of NJ’s municipal waste sttream and makes up nearly one third of all summer waste handled by garbage haulers. Monroe Township paid for the disposal of approximately 383.3 tons of grass clippings in 2017. A typical lawn of 5,000 square feet generates about 75 pounds of grass clippings per mowing. Did you know — golf courses grasscycle because of the time savings and health benefits it provides for a well-manicured turf? For more information visit:

