Route 322, Tuckahoe Road redevelopment put on hold

Councilman Cody Miller explains areas in need of redevelopment

Anthony Mazziotti
The Williamstown Sun
3 min readOct 10, 2018


One of the hot button issues in Monroe Township was the possible designation for redevelopment of the Route 322 and Tuckahoe Road area. After some back and forth, council decided to not move forward with designating that area as an area in need of redevelopment.

“The 322 and Tuckahoe designation did not move forward,” Councilman Cody Miller said. “There are a lot of misconceptions about redevelopment. What I’m trying to do is explain how the township goes about that process and how it’s a benefit to the municipality, the residents and the area.”

Miller explained the township has a redevelopment committee consisting of himself and Councilmen Joe Marino and Ron Garbowski. Their goal is to entice commercial development while controlling growth of certain areas.

“There are two types of redevelopment,” Miller said. “Non-condemnation route and condemnation route.”

Condemnation route was originally the goal for the Route 322 and Tuckahoe Road area, which would give the municipality the ability to use eminent domain. Eminent domain would allow for the municipality to acquire property through means of buying it from someone at fair market value.

The words “eminent domain” can be scary, and Miller understands why residents feel that way.

“The goal for us is not to take away homes or businesses,” he said.

On the flip side, the condemnation route allows the township to give incentives for commercial outlets. For example they can give PILOTs (payments in lieu of taxes) that would entice development in the area. The non-condemnation route does not use eminent domain.

Designating an area as a redevelopment zone allows the municipality to control the growth in an area. Under redevelopment, the council and planning board have the ability to set the parameters and a plan for what they’d like to see in the area — it gives them a chance to control their own destiny.

With that knowledge, council deliberately chose the Route 322 and Tuckahoe area due to its proximity to the ARC Gloucester, Camp Sun N’ Fun.

“The camp was included in the area of study because it sits in the immediate area of those four corners at the intersection,” Miller said. “Camp Sun N’ Fun has served our community for over 50 years and we would never do anything to jeopardize the camp of the families that the camp serves.”

Even though the Route 322 and Tuckahoe Road redevelopment is a moot point, Miller wants to use it as a teaching point for the residents of Monroe Township.

“The township needs to do a better job of educating the residents about what redevelopment will do for the area,” he said. “Going forward I want people to understand what we’re trying to accomplish. We’re not in the business of taking people’s homes or properties away from them. We’re not trying to undercut anyone. We’re not trying to cater to commercial developers. We’re trying to get a handle on these areas that are going to spur commercial growth because we’re a township that’s growing and we want to control it. We want to have the say.”

For questions regarding redevelopment and the committee, Miller can be reached by email at or by phone at (856) 728–9800 ext. 229.

