Who let the dogs out?

Council proposes allowing pooches in local parks

Anthony Mazziotti
The Williamstown Sun
3 min readJul 30, 2018


For the second consecutive council meeting, the focal point of conversation was the township’s parks. Instead of exploring options about replacing or repairing playgrounds, council was discussing the possibility of allowing dogs in local parks.

Council introduced an ordinance on the matter on Monday, July 23, which will be up for adoption at the next meeting on Aug. 27.

The amendment states that domestic animals will be permitted on premises so long as they are restrained by a leash no greater than six feet in length that is attached to a collar or harness of sufficient strength to restrain the animal. The pet must also be held by a person who can control it.

The ordinance will forbid pets from the premises during special events or on ball-playing fields, with the exception of companion animals for the disabled. And, of course, owners are responsible for the cleanup of their pets.

Council introduced two other ordinances that will be up for adoption at the Aug. 27 meeting. The first would amend Chapter 93 entitled “Amusement Devices.” It would allow for amusement devices such as arcade games that usually accept money via coin slot to also accept credit card or other similar objects as a form of payment. This will bring Monroe Township into the 21st century as places such as Dave and Buster’s and Chuck E. Cheese use a card to pay for games in lieu of coins.

The other ordinance is an amendment and supplement to Chapter 175 entitled “Land Use and Development.” It is in regard to the township’s fair share housing plan, which should satisfy the low-income housing requirements for the foreseeable future.

Residents are encouraged to come out to the next meeting on Aug. 27 to discuss the introduced ordinances before they are considered for adoption.

In other news:

  • Council approved a litany of resolutions, including awarding a contract to Peach Country Tractor for services associated with recycling waste, extending the time period to pay the third quarter real estate tax and authorizing the purchase of a 2018 Seagrave custom fire pumper under the National Cooperative Purchasing Program.
  • Councilman Bart McIlvaine discussed the importance of knowing what is and is not a scam when receiving threatening phone calls. He cited his recent experience as an example.

“Today I received two phone calls from someone claiming to be from the IRS. The recording stated that there were complaints against me for failure to pay taxes and that if I didn’t call this number they would call Monroe Township Police to take me out in handcuffs. Needless to say, when I called the number, it was out of the country. It was just a scam to get money. Please, folks, when you get these calls, 99 percent of the time they were fake. The IRS will not call your home, they won’t threaten to send police to your house. If you have questions, contact your police department.”

The next council meeting will take place at 8 p.m. at the Monroe Township Municipal Building on Aug. 27. There will be an open work session at 7 p.m. at the same location in the caucus room.

