Don’t Choose to Hold On to the Sadness of Grief

It just makes you miserable


Photo property of author ~ Dad & I

They were some of the last words he spoke to me a couple of months ago after his brother had died.

‘If I’ve learned one thing in my 92 years it’s don’t hold on to the sadness of grief. It will only make you miserable and life is far too short to be miserable.

Everybody’s gonna die someday and after this long, I’ve lost a lot of people I’ve loved. Yes, it’s sad, but being sad won’t bring them back. You have to choose to be happy for all of the good things they brought into your life instead. Those are the things that make life worthwhile.’

The words have been running on a loop in the back of my mind since I got the call on Saturday. These words and his adamant proclamations that I didn’t need to worry about him going anytime soon. He was going to live to be a hundred, so we still had plenty of time.

It’s the first time he’s ever lied to me. I guess I can’t really fault him… he had no way of knowing. He didn’t make it to 100, instead, he died on Friday night.

Twenty-nine years ago he stepped up and chose to take on a priceless role in my life.

I was struggling with postpartum depression and PTSD just a few months after the birth of my son who had been conceived when…



Linda Osipow ~ Crazy, Almost Old Farm Wife
The Wind Phone

Half a century of walking the planet and what have I learned? I don't know jack! Life SHOULD be a splendid journey, but people tend to get in the way.