I Was Interviewed About Wind Phones and It Was an Enlightening Experience

My first time being on a podcast

Doug Brown
The Wind Phone
Published in
4 min readMay 3, 2024


Antique rotary phone inside a Wind Phone, along with a box of tissues.
Photo by me. This is the old phone at the Wind Phone I visited. The tissues were appreciated.

A few weeks ago, I received an email that seemed a little strange to me. This message had none of the earmarks of a scam or weird marketing. But it did seem odd that someone I’d never met was asking to interview me for a podcast episode about Wind Phones.

I dropped my cynical guard and responded back that I was interested. The podcaster had clearly read my essay about visiting a Wind Phone near me and what a deep experience it had been for me. He wanted to include me in his podcast about the interesting ways people find comfort.

For those of you not familiar with them, Wind Phones are a way for people to speak with loved ones who have died, to express their grief or their love or to say whatever they need to say.

Am I an expert on Wind Phones? No. But I am deeply acquainted with grief, which is the source of Wind Phones. And I am open to the interconnectedness of everything, which is the function and mechanism of Wind Phones.

Does that sound a bit woo woo? As I ended up saying in the podcast interview, I’m okay with a bit of woo woo.



Doug Brown
The Wind Phone

The sacraments of ordinary life. Mountains, dogs, beer, Asheville. Doing my best to eff the ineffable. Oddly funny at times.