My Aunt Connie’s Memorial Service Involved a Dustbuster

Gothic and funny — just the way she would have liked it

Doug Brown
The Wind Phone
Published in
8 min readMay 16, 2024


Young woman covering her face with her hand.
Grieving or fed up? The two emotions are not exclusive. Photo by Liza Summer on Pexels.

My friends Naomi and Michael sat with me on the deck behind Urban Orchard, a cidery in my neighborhood. It was a great place to sit on a beautiful spring day in Asheville, surrounded by mountains.

“So,” Naomi said, leaning toward me over the wrought iron table. “How’d it go at your aunt’s service?”

I’d already dropped hints that not everything had gone according to plan, and she and Michael wanted to hear about it. I made sure we all had full pints, knowing this would take a minute.

“Let me start by saying that I love my cousin Beth,” I told them. “We grew up together. She’s my Aunt Connie’s daughter. I adored my Aunt Connie. So I really do try to have patience with Beth. But… sometimes you just reach a point. You know?”

Naomi and Michael both nodded sympathetically. They have family, too.

A few years ago, I visited Aunt Connie at her house in the small town of Congaree in South Carolina. At the time, Connie was 78 years old and not in very good health. She struggled to move around and occasionally winced in pain. But she still talked with a tone of joy and happiness. She was always…



Doug Brown
The Wind Phone

The sacraments of ordinary life. Mountains, dogs, beer, Asheville. Doing my best to eff the ineffable. Oddly funny at times.