To My Husband’s Mistress: To You, I Surrender

Litany of the defeated wife

Abigail Ortega
The Wind Phone


Photo by yash rai on Unsplash

You are a young and a pretty damsel, you satisfy him — I cannot compete with you.

I am a middle-aged, bulgy wife — worn out and tired from child-rearing and house chores. Unlike you who has so much time in the vanity mirror, I cannot remember the last time I had a long, good shower.

You are funny and fresh, cheerful and sweet — I cannot compete with you.

I have piles of laundry, a messy kitchen, assignments to tutor, and groceries to mind. I cannot recall the last time I cracked a joke, gave and received a compliment, or sang a tune running for errands in town while worrying about that nasty flu of my daughter.

You make him feel good, with you he is a Hero and a God — I cannot compete with you.

I only remind him of the bills to pay, that school principal he has to meet, the garbage bin he always forgets, and the club receipt I found in his wallet after a drinking spree with his buddies.

You obey him blindly, submit to him completely, follow him wholeheartedly — I cannot compete with you.

I am the wife who speaks up, the woman who wants discussions. I am the partner who disagrees, the bitch who wants to see plans, and the villain who expects equality and compromise.

So to you, I surrender.

I yield, I concede. You win, I lose.

He is all yours, the coveted prize — to fend for, to tend to, to ravish and to devour.

He is all yours, to endure and to suffer.



Abigail Ortega
The Wind Phone

To begin, again. To write, finally. Rediscovering life through creative writing - nature, single parenting, relationships, self improvement, women.