Nouveau Wine Blends: A modern wine for modern tastes

The Wrath of Grapes
Published in
7 min readJun 27, 2019


Wine today is different. It is different from wines of ten years ago, of twenty years ago, and of fifty years ago. Todays winemakers, after shedding the idea of ratings and points, have thrown off the shackles of achieving certain styles and become free to experiment, to enjoy making wine. Rules are cast aside, and through the gaps in these rules we start to see new wines come to prominence. In recent years wine has been shaken by a rise in orange wines and Pettilant Naturel wines that have challenged the classic notions of what wine should be, but it is a third style hiding in the lesser known realms of winemaking that is coming to the front. These are cuvée nouveau wine blends, a modern take on blending white and red grapes and co-fermenting them to create gorgeous, zippy, sexy wines that are highly tuned to our modern taste buds.

Las Jaras Superbloom…if you want some too late! Its sold out. Because its delicious!

How do we define these Cuvée Nouveau Wines?

First and foremost, these wines are not to be confused with Beaujolais Nouveau. That stuff is crap, disgusting, and a marketing ploy to sell cheap plonk. These wines cannot be further away, as they have tremendous . amounts of character and guile that will surprise even the most seasoned wine lover. Simply put, Cuvée Nouveau Wines are a reddish wine that blurs the lines between red and rosé. Too light to be red, too dark to be…



The Wrath of Grapes

Wine and drink lover, making it a better experience to find and enjoy good drinks. Changing how we appreciate wine one bottle at a time.