Flock Together Online with Wing Groups

Nickey Skarstad
The Wing
Published in
3 min readMar 3, 2020


When The Wing launched in 2016, a community quickly began mobilizing around a shared desire to help women get ahead and go further, faster, together. Soon, Wing members began to self-organize both within and beyond our spaces. Member clubs were formed, where a leader would bring together members around a common purpose — whether that be an identity, affinity, or shared experience. Over 100 clubs have been created to date! Today, we have a screenwriter’s guild, professional development groups, craft clubs (I just joined the knitting group!), civic engagement groups and more.

More tools to make connections

After taking time to hear and learn about what members want out of their membership, we know that they want deeper, more meaningful connections with other members in The Wing’s community. Joining a member club is a harbinger of those connections and as we design our technology around what our members need, we’re investing in new ways to bring everyone together — online as well as IRL. That said, creating a club, finding other members to join, and showing up regularly for meetings can be time-consuming and tedious. After watching clubs evolve for the last three years, we knew we could make the process easier. After speaking to hundreds of members, we’ve built tools designed to help make the clubs experience much more impactful.

Introducing: Wing Groups!

In February, we launched a Groups beta program to Wing community leaders that allowed them to try out the new functionality early and provide direct feedback so that we could iterate before offering it to our full community. With over 400 participants, the product team learned a great deal. Overall, beta members agreed that Groups helped them feel a deeper sense of community, helped them find specific Groups of people to rally around, and also added more value to their membership!

Today, The Wing launched a new feature on web and iOS that allows the entire Wing community to create, join, and participate in Groups. This feature takes some of the magic happening across Wing spaces and brings it online to help members communicate when they’re not all together in one room. And we won’t stop there — in the coming weeks, look out for new features that make it even easier to create different types of Groups, gather IRL, and share content online.

Sign up to hear more

The Wing app allows members to find each other, send messages, post jobs, and as of today, create, join, and connect in Groups. With over 12,000 members distributed across the US and UK (the majority of who use Wing digital tools at least once a week), digital tooling is an essential bridge between the physical experiences our members are having in our spaces. Everyday we hear from Wing fans outside of our current markets that want to join our community. While we work on new ways to bring everyone in, signup here to be the first to know when we start accepting new members digitally.



Nickey Skarstad
The Wing

Product leader w/experience at Etsy and Airbnb. Cool mom 💁🏼‍♀️