Cameron Lynch: A Future Pioneer in Modern Broadcasting

Andrew Nguyen
The Winner’s Circle with Drew Nguyen
3 min readJul 11, 2019
Cameron Lynch speaking to a USC summer class. (Photo Courtesy of Miki Turner)

During this high school days, NFL linebacker Cameron Lynch remembers getting teased by his friends for acting awkward on camera during interviews. While this teasing was friendly and harmless, it motivated Lynch to develop passion and pursue another career after football.

Lynch aspires to become a sports broadcaster and media personality for his post-football career and hopes to further his education at USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism as a graduate student majoring in Specialized Journalism. His enthusiastic personality and well-rounded lifestyle, along with his knowledge of sports, makes Lynch the perfect candidate for a future sports broadcaster.

“Mike Tirico… Michael Strahan essentially, those guys like that’s what I want to emulate myself as…. My goal is to follow in their footsteps essentially, but create my own path.” said Lynch about his ultimate goal as a broadcaster.

Creating his own path will certainly not be a challenge for Cam Lynch. From his unique hobby of watching the Japanese anime “Naruto” to his unpopular belief that children shouldn’t play tackle football, Lynch has many distinctive characteristics that he can incorporate into his work to separate himself from other broadcasters. His experience as a very successful football player that reached the highest form of the sport, the NFL, allows him to connect on a personal level with other athletes by relating to what they are going through since he was also in the same position. Many other athletes also pursue broadcasting after there playing days are over, but Cam has found something that distinguishes him from the rest.

“I would say my experience so far… in college, I had a show called “Cam’s Cam” … I interviewed my teammates …. That was my senior year in college and that was about five years ago, so now I have five years of experience.” said Lynch referring to what separates him from other former athletes aspiring to broadcast.

Along with Cam’s Cam, Lynch has also interned as a reporter at the Super Bowl and hopes to cover the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo. Every sporting event Lynch covers gives him more practice working in the media industry. His broadcasting experiences put him one step ahead of his competition as he is already preparing for the future while maintaining an NFL career.

Lynch explained why he offers to guest speak with USC students: “I’m about to come here and get my rep said, this is me practicing in front of people. This is me sharpening my skillset.”

Lynch does not want to be a normal sports broadcaster, he wants to change the way sports media is perceived.

“I want to give the media outlets, I want to give the people behind the camera a perspective, a different perspective,” said Lynch.

Lynch understands both sides of the media and believes that reporters receive too much hate when interviewing athletes. He hopes to shed new light on the media, informing fans that reporters have as much of a grind that athletes do, and they are just trying to do their job.

With all these ambitious goals in mind, Lynch remains on his grind to eventually achieve his goal of becoming a broadcaster known throughout the world.

